Learn Jyotish
Vedic Astrology Mentoring with Dennis Flaherty
Thank you for inquiring about my Vedic astrology audio course, which was the first ever audio course in the West available to students who wish to learn Jyotish. My course was the first audio course to be approved by both the American Council of Vedic Astrology (CVA) and the American College of Vedic Astrology (ACVA) over twenty-five years ago.
My Vedic astrology course consists of eight series, each with booklets and charts. The classes are live presentations with high-quality audio recordings that facilitate an in-depth personal experience. Each series progressively guides the student, building upon the knowledge of the previous series until the aspiring student reaches the final series which instructs students on how to start their own astrological practice. This is a diploma course and comes complete with a course exam that tests the student’s knowledge at the end of each module, with the diploma awarded with the successful completion of the course. Several hundred students worldwide have purchased and completed my course these last twenty-five years and many of my students have gone on to start their own successful national and international practice!
Three Levels of Vedic astrology Mentoring
The 1st level of study is the purchase of my Jyotish Course, for the novice, hobbyist, and aspiring professional alike. The completed course will teach you the fundamentals of Vedic astrology so you can begin reading charts like the professionals. For the more serious aspirant, who successfully completes the Jyotish audio course exam, a diploma certificate is awarded recognizing the student’s skill at chart interpretation. The Jyotish Audio is self-contained and self-directed, so the student can learn at their own pace and in their own time for the first level of study.
The 2nd level of study is only available to those who have successfully completed my Jyotish Course. Upon completion the student has the option to enroll in my ongoing mentoring class. This class meets monthly. Students also have the option to enroll in my on-going Sunday Vedic astrology workshops, which are only open to those who have my Jyotish Audio Course. Both the mentoring classes and Vedic astrology workshops are live, interactive classes and workshops that compliments and accelerates the student’s learning in a structured framework.
The 3rd level of study is available to those who are enrolled in my mentoring series and wish to become professional Vedic astrologers. Students have the option of mentoring one on one with me directly in my Jyotish Mentoring Program which is a one- year program. Students requesting personal mentoring are accepted into the Jyotish Mentoring Program after a preliminary interview and evaluation.
It is my hope that I have provided you with enough information to assist you in choosing my audio course as your first choice of study in learning Vedic astrology. Once committed to the study of Vedic astrology you can exercise the affordable 2nd and 3rd levels of study to become a professional Vedic astrologer like the hundreds of students who have graduated from my comprehensive program.
Dennis Flaherty
Director, NW Institute of Vedic Sciences
Jyotish Kovid, CVA, ICAS, Jyotish Brihaspati, CVA
Jyotish Vachaspati, ICAS
Jyotish Medha Pragya, ICAS, Jyotish Medha Prabha, ICAS
​Vedic Astrology Audio Course
I have designed my Vedic Astrology Audio Course in the tradition of Shruti, meaning that which is heard, to teach you the foundational principles of Vedic astrology. It has been my intention to create a living book to disseminate this knowledge through the spoken word from the teacher to the student in the time honored tradition in India. The completed course with exam diploma is credited for 200 hours toward CVA certification.
The audio Vedic Astrology Course is available in MP3 format which includes all course materials, booklets and course exam. The 1st Series of the course may be purchased separately for $120 if you wish to sample the course. The complete course of all 8 series is available at the discounted price of $480 - which is a 50% discount at only $60 a series.
All orders are final - no returns of exchanges. All orders are processed by calling us at 425-778-6487. We accept MC/Visa over the phone at the time of ordering.
Introduction to Vedic Astrology
The beginning level of the astrology of ancient India, known as Jyotish, the 'science of light' in Sanskrit, is a system of astrology and philosophy over 5000 years old. Encompassed in the Vedas, the sacred literature of ancient India, Jyotish is considered to be the 'eye' of the Veda, for its supreme insight into our human destiny.
The Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology
Intro Level
The classic fundamental concepts of Vedic astrology delivered in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand manner. You will begin to interpret the Grahas, Yogas, and Dasas through the charts of contemporary famous people.
This series is only available with the purchase of the complete course.
The Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology
Advanced Level
Continue to build the classic, fundamental principles of Vedic chart analysis. Learn to synthesize the Grahas in combination with each other. Explore how they operate through the various Rasis. Continue to build your knowledge of planetary Yogas, the proper use of the Navamsa chart, the various Karakas, and the effect of the Dasas through a coherent, comprehensive analysis of the charts of easily recognizable famous people.
This series is only available with the purchase of the complete course.
How to Interpret the Moon and Nakshatras
Each of the 27 Nakshatras (lunar constellations of the moon) is explored in great depth and detail; from the various mythologies, planetary rulerships, and the prominent fixed stars that are associated with the lunar constellations. The proper use of Chandra Yogas is explored, along with Panchanga, and the Synodic Cycle of the Moon.
This series is only available with the purchase of the complete course.
How to Interpret the Vedic Birth Chart
Intro Level
This class picks up the pace of chart interpretation. The lives of four famous personages are discussed in great detail, focusing on the unfolding of Karma through the classic Yogas and Vimshottari Dasa sequence.
This series is only available with the purchase of the complete course.
How to Interpret the Vedic Birth Char
Advanced Level
Advanced interpretative techniques of Vedic astrology are discussed in depth through the charts of two famous people. Each chart is comprehensively analyzed to understand the various planetary Karmas operating within the life of the individual. This class focuses on how these Karmas are triggered through the effects of Gochara (planetary transits) in tandem with the use of the Vimshottari Dasa system.
This series is only available with the purchase of the complete course.
How To Interpret The Vedic Birth Chart
Counseling Level
This class introduces the serious student to the various philosophies and doctrines of Karma in eastern thought and religion, and how these philosophies influence Vedic chart interpretation. The class further explores the dynamics of giving counsel and encourages the principles of a developing a dynamic consulting style necessary to deliver the astrological consultation in a humanistic and uplifting manner, thereby enabling the client in a positive manner.
This series is only available with the purchase of the complete course.
How to Interpret The Vedic Birth Chart
Professional Level
This class concludes the correspondence course for the aspiring practicing Vedic astrologer. The great western sage Albert Einstein once said, "Genius is knowing what's important. Being good at what one does is only the beginning to being a successful astrologer. You must know what is important in your craft, and separate it from that which is not, if you are to be truly successful. With over two decades of professional experience, Dennis will teach you what is important in chart interpretation when it comes to starting and sustaining a practice as a professional astrologer.
This series is only available with the purchase of the complete course.