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Star Trends Archive 2021


Please note the forecasts for each of the constellations concluding this Star Trends column are done in the system of Indian astrology, called Vedic astrology, which uses the observable constellations. These are different than the signs. Even though the names of the constellations and the signs translate the same, they have different reference points in the heavens. You will notice the difference in the dates in this column compared to the typical Sun sign column that Western astrology uses. These dates reflect the constellations, which Vedic astrologers use in their forecasts.

October, November and December 2021 Forecast

As we enter the month of October 2021, our world is in the throes of the latest wave of the global pandemic and the recurring uncertainty fatigue that accompanies such uncertain times. Collectively speaking, we all take great refuge in certainty - that the Sun rises in the east, sets in the west, as the earth completes a very certain cycle of light and dark as it revolves around the Sun in the span of a year. Certainty ensures that we can organize and actualize our lives around these timeless celestial rhythms. We take mindful pride in being able to set future goals and meet them in a timely manner. This cadence reinforces our sense of certainty. Although our conviction of these celestial rhythms will not change any time soon, other goals and outcomes that we believed to be assured may not be as certain as we once believed.


When the certainty we believe to be true turns unpredictable it sets the stage for a very predictable crisis of conviction in expected assurances. We are now in such a period regarding the ongoing twists and turns of the global pandemic and the various responses to the pandemic. The merry-go-round of virus variants and the responding vaccine variants are anything but merry, as each go-around deepens the feeling of uncertainty. We fear that the continuing merry-go-round is the new certainty and the world we know is gone forever, replaced by a growing sense of gloom and darkness. However, it must be remembered that we have faced dark, uncertain circumstances in the not-so-distant past only again to come into the light of certainty.


The study of astrology is the study of the stars, and the study of the stars is the study of time. The launch of the Hubble Telescope, over thirty years ago, has given unprecedented insight into the origins and timelines of the cosmos. It has been described as a “Time Machine” regarding the history of the cosmos- where we can look back in time, as well as forward in time. Our time-based calendrical systems are based upon the eternal certainty of these celestial rhythms. We are familiar with the faster celestial rhythms of increasing light and increasing dark that make up the day, the month, and the years to define the timelines of our lives. We rarely look beyond these familiar rhythms, however – to be certain - there are longer celestial rhythms and timelines that recur every twenty to sixty years that bear examination.


One such longer celestial cycle is when the planets Jupiter and Saturn come together in the same constellation every twenty years.  They are currently in the constellation of Capricorn.  Twenty years ago they were together in the constellation of Aries. This twenty-year period defines a generation.  We certainly can look back and forwards twenty years from generation to generation to see the different values and social mores that define one from another.  We rarely look back beyond two decades into the annals of history as ours is such a future purposeful future-oriented society.  But when the future is uncertain, the solace and certainty of the predictable past call us to make sense of our current circumstances.  The humorist Mark Twain proclaimed: “History never repeats itself-but often it rhymes.”



Not only do Jupiter and Saturn align every twenty years but they return to the exact same constellation of the alignment every fifty-nine to sixty years – just like clockwork. Jupiter and Saturn have been and are now transiting the constellation of Capricorn from November of 2020. Their transit will conclude when Jupiter leaves Capricorn in late November of 2021. The constellation of Capricorn is ruled over by Saturn, the darkest of the planets, as Capricorn represents the Winter Solstice, the darkest day and time of the year. Fifty-nine to sixty years ago Jupiter and Saturn also aligned in Capricorn from February of 1961 to February of 1962. Through the “Time Machine” of astrology, we can examine the historical rhythms of the early sixties to see how these planets rhyme and analyze what themes they share with the current placement of Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn.

In 1961 President Kennedy, after he was elected, met with Khrushchev in Vienna to discuss nuclear disarmament in the dark days of nuclear proliferation between the US and Soviet regimes.  The failed US-backed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961 amplified the growing distrust and uncertainty between these nations.  The USSR secretly developed missile installations and began transporting long-range missiles and bombers to Cuba by sea. Once these missile sites were revealed the US actualized a naval blockade around Cuba. The uncertainty of those dark times escalated from October of 1962 to November of 1962 in what came to be known as The Cuban Missile Crisis.


The Soviet Union eventually blinked and backed down in the escalating brinksmanship. Rather than confronting the US naval blockade, the Soviet Naval forces returned home and the missile installations in Cuba were eventually removed.  Historians have concluded that the Cuban Missile Crises in hindsight was the darkest of times when the world had come to the brink of an apocalyptic nuclear war.  In that darkest of times, fear and uncertainty were pervasive until the light of reason returned and the crises and imagined apocalypse averted. 


Fifty-nine to sixty years ago, the last time these planets aligned in the constellation of the winter solstice, a collective global nuclear war was averted during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  If history is to be trusted, and indeed does rhyme, it is my hope that the darkness surrounding the 2020 to 2021 Covid Pandemic Crisis will eventually ebb and end just as the Cuban Missile Crisis did all those years ago.  The hopeful message of the constellation of Capricorn with its reference to the Winter Solstice teaches us is that darkness can never be absolute or eternal. Whether it is the darkest time of the day, or the darkest time of year- the darkest period will end and give way to the light. The fear of the dark is primordial which is why all Winter Solstice celebrations are symbolic of light burning brightly in victory over the contrasting darkness, reminding all that darkness always gives way to the light, that ignorance gives way to reason.   For that we are certain. In that we trust and are grateful, especially during these uncertain times. 

October 2021

October starts with Mercury RX moving back into the constellation of Virgo on the 1st. Not all Mercury retrogrades are challenging. The point to remember being when RX, Mercury will spend two months in a constellation, not the usual two weeks. If Mercury aligns with naturally benefic planets - the time trends positive.  When he aligns with naturally malefic planets - the times trends negatively. 

This Mercury RX trends negative as Mercury will be in his own constellation with the naturally malefic planet Mars.  Further, Mercury will conjoin and combust the Sun and Mars on October 9th setting the stage for a volatile month in the early days of October.   As an indicator of commerce and business, this Mercury’s RX trends challenging as we are living in times of screw-ball economics due to the pandemic.   Business missteps and miscalculations and supply chain disruptions have led to reduced inventories and price increases. This is not sound economics or business as usual.  Congressional brinkmanship over budgets and the debt ceilings can only acerbate the current economic distrust.  Mercury will stop in the heavens and move direct on October 18th, and Mars will move into Libra on the 21st, but until that time it will not be business as usual.  Decisions and judgments can tend to be made in haste and conflict. That never looks good in hindsight.  Defer important decisions to a less volatile time if possible.  Such uncertainty has occurred in the past with the economic collapse of Lehman Brothers on September 15th, 2008, when Mercury and Mars were together in Virgo right before Mercury went retrograde a week later.

Jupiter retrograded back into the constellation of Capricorn in mid-September and will stop in the heavens in the late degrees of this sign on October 18th.  Capricorn is Saturn’s sign and Jupiter light burns dim, in the sign of the Winter Solstice.  Jupiter’s transit of Capricorn has historically been associated with economic downturns, not upturns, as witnessed by his transit of Capricorn from December of 2008 to December of 2009 - the Great Recession.  The business and economic outlook are partly cloudy we enter the last quarter of the year.  Fiscal caution is advised.

November 2021

Mercury leaves the constellation of Virgo and enters Libra on the 1st of November, where Mercury’s nemesis Mars has been impatiently waiting in Libra for Mercury to arrive.  They will exactly align for the second time in two months on October 10th once again trending to business and economic uncertainty just like the previous month.  Be alert for scams and shams as the proverbial tricksters are always on the prowl ready to profit from your fear and panic during uncertain times. 


lWhen moving forward Mercury is more fleet-footed than Mars and will easily outdistance him.  This is now the case as Mercury departs Libra, and leaves Mars behind on November 20th when he enters Scorpio.  Although grateful not to be in the same sign as Mars, Mercury will now be in the same sign and opposite the storm planets Rahu and Ketu that cause eclipses.   Mercury will finally clear the storm planets but not until early December, so caution is advised in important decisions until more positive trends emerge.


November 19th features the first of two eclipses to conclude 2021.  Eclipses occur in pairs and this first eclipse is a partial lunar eclipse in the early degrees of the constellation of Taurus.  Feelings run high on lunar eclipses and coupled with the uncertainty of the global pandemic many will obviously feel close to the edge during this time.  Some will momentarily go off the rails in their search for a certainty that does not exist.  Be mindful during this time and take life a day at a time to gain composure and perspective during this eclipse pattern.  No need to read or watch the various views on social media confirming we are living in uncertain times, reinforcing what we already know.  Stay focused and be mindful of what you know and who you know to restore the natural rhythm of your life.  The rest is cognitive minutia.


November 19th is also the day Jupiter leaves Capricorn – where he has been aligned off and on with Saturn since late March of 2020.  This twenty-year generational event has occurred in Saturn’s sign of the Winter Solstice.  This generational alignment in Capricorn has influenced a particular domain of your life which you will find relevant to the affairs of that part of your existence in the forthcoming forecasts for each of the constellations at the end of this column. Saturn is known as the Sat Graha -the planet of the truth.  It is his celestial duty to strip away any illusion, or delusions you may have to show you the way it really is - not the way you believe it to be.  For that service do not be afraid, rather be grateful for his honesty. 

December 2021

December starts with Jupiter gaining momentum in the constellation of Aquarius as his light slowly returns now that he has left Capricorn.  Jupiter in Aquarius favors education and humanitarian endeavors during this transit.  He will continue to progressively shine during his transit where he will remain until mid-April of 2022.  Jupiter is now in the early degrees and will continue to build strength and influence in his indications as he comes to middle of the constellation later in January and February.  

The 2nd eclipse is a total solar eclipse on December 3rd occurring in Scorpio at 17 degrees.  Solar eclipses are more potent than lunar eclipses and their effects longer-lasting. This is a Ketu total solar eclipse; Ketu is an indicator of liberation or loss. The difference lies in our optics, for if we are willing to let go, this eclipse represents emancipation or liberation. If we are not willing to let go, we experience a sense of loss.   How you view that, and how you do that is up to you.  We have all done this before and we will do it again.  If you understand this at its core the moving on is truly liberating.

The day after the solar eclipse Mars enters his own constellation of Scorpio.  There he will remain until mid-January.  Mars will align in Scorpio in two important exact conjunctions with Ketu, the planet of liberation or loss.  The first is on December 15th when Mars conjoins Ketu, and the second is when he conjoins the solar eclipse point on December 30th.  Liberation or loss all depends on our perspective and how attached we are to the way things have been.   Mars’ strength lies in leadership and especially his ability to lead and protect during times of conflict.  His pattern with Ketu trends against his natural strengths indicating a very frustrating period of time in regard to Mars’ ability to get him to satisfying outcomes. 


The indications for December are trending to conflict as the year ends with Mars strong coupled with the storm planets.  Two years of uncertainty due to the pandemic, there are those who wish to return to the way things were. This will not be possible during this Mars transit, resulting in feelings of resignation, resentment, as well as rage for those so inclined.  Those who are guided by the optics of liberation will embrace a brain-storming approach willing to embrace innovative ideas to lead us in a new direction during this turbulent time.  Those who are guided by the optics of loss will embrace a blame-storming approach wanting to punish and scapegoat others to purge their unresolved rage during this turbulent time.  


The distance between these positions will be vast during Mars’ transit of Scorpio so be careful reaching across the aisle for there may not be an aisle only a wide gulf not easily resolved by reason.  The Winter Solstice on December 21st serves to remind us that the darkest day - just like the brightest day of the Summer Solstice are natural - not contrived events.  There really is no need to take the darkness personally and let it ruin your holiday season or solstice celebrations.  Mark Twain joked that “everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it."  I recommend BYOL this holiday season. There is nothing to do but Bring Your Own Light to all your holiday events to celebrate the eventual and certain return of brighter days.    

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14th – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with your career.  As the Sat Graha, the planet of the truth, Saturn is tasking the Ram to take a long view of career during this time.  Does your current career have the growth potential to fulfill your ambitions and goals?  If so, then it is time to double-down and make long-range investments and plans for your chosen profession to experience the future fruits of your hard work.  If the Ram is butting heads, it might be time to face the cold hard truth that your career has hit a wall and no matter how hard you toil, you will never reach those expected fruits.   If this is the case it is time for the Ram to decisively change career paths and charge in a new direction that will lead you to the promised land.


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with higher education.  As the Sat Graha, the planet of the truth, Saturn is tasking the Bull to take a long view of higher education in respect to life goals.  Although higher education is considered the preferred path to higher income and a more prosperous future does this belief still holds true during these times.  If your educational path is taking you there by all means plow forward to reach your educational goals.  If the Bull is in doubt that the increasing cost of higher education is not leading them in that direction it is time to hit the pause button.  If the Bull’s current educational fields have been over grazed it is time to move to new fields that hold greater promise for the future.


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with debt and taxes.  As the Sat Graha, the planet of the truth, Saturn is tasking Gemini to not only examine their financial sustainability but their tax obligations.  Mobile Gemini needs to be on the move and increased debt can slow or bring that movement to a dead stop.  It is time to take the long view.  If your current lifestyle path is sustainable then Gemini will keep moving down that preferred road.  If your current lifestyle path is not sustainable it is time to change direction and chose a different road where financial sustainability can be celebrated at journey’s end.  It is far better for mobile Gemini to keep moving on a road of sustainable lifestyle choices than to unexpectedly run out of gas on the road to nowhere. 


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with romance and marriage. As the Sat Graha, the planet of the truth, Saturn is tasking the Crab to take a realistic and long view of partnership or marriage.  If your current relationship or marriage is stable and trustworthy, then this will be a time for celebration as it has withstood the test of time. Congratulations are in order you have arrived.   If not, and there are huge cracks in the foundation of trust, then this will be the time to shore up your relationship foundation before it crumbles to the ground.  If that is possible it will take dedicated time between to resolve and reconcile your difference.  If that is not possible, sadly it will be time to accept what it is or move on.


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, , Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with your health and hygiene.  As the Sat Graha, the planet of the truth, Saturn is tasking the Lion to take a long view of health and wellness.  If the Big Cat’s current lifestyle is healthy this will be an extraordinary time for the Regal Lion to be extraordinarily productive in reaching their goals.  If not, then the Lion’s pride can take a hit as their energy can flag in the face of continuing pressure.  If this is the case it will require a cold hard look in the mirror to face the facts that the Big Cat may have inadvertently become a Bigger and older Cat that needs to slim down their lifestyle and schedule. If Leo can achieve this it will serve them for the duration.  If not remember:  Pride comes before a fall. 


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with your creativity and progeny.  As the Sat Graha, the planet of the truth, Saturn is tasking Virgo to be creative and innovative during these uncertain times.  Your ability to adapt to change is remarkable and will serve you overall as you find you can be responsive, rather than reactive to those circumstances that are outside your control.  If you are a parent of children, it is important to show this strength you possess by example, rather than empty rhetoric.  If you perceive your life has become a pinball game and you are aimlessly bouncing about it without direction this will be the time you exit this game in short order.  Virgo needs to take some time off to restore their creative juices and resilience before heading back into the game of life. 


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with your home and family.  As the Sat Graha, the planet of the truth, Saturn is tasking Libra in regard to home and family.  If where you love where you live and have a keen sense of family values, then you will experience this period of time in contentment having created stability for you and family in these uncertain times.  If where you live and the home you live are not stable, and not in service to your family then you will want to pull up stakes in search of a new place you can call home.  Just like uprooting a tree to replant is a careful, time- consuming endeavor, you will want to be careful and deliberate if you wish to relocate. Rome was not erected in a day so Libra needs to patient n replanting and re-booting their lives. 


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with your comrades and competitive spirit.  As the Sat Graha, the planet of the truth, Saturn is tasking Scorpio to examine their competitive spirit and connectivity with others.  During these troubled times you may be feeling burn out from over work and increased productivity.  This in turn may have dampened your competitive spirit and left little time to meaningfully connect with others leading to feelings of isolation.  If this is the case this trend will not serve Scorpio in the long run.  Scorpio needs to step off the gas, slow down and enjoy the bucolic scenery- especially with others- to get their mojo back.  We all get by with a little help from our comrades and friends which reinforces we are all in this together-not all in this alone.   


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with food and finances.  As the Sat Graha, Saturn, the planet of the truth is tasking Sagittarius to examine their attitude toward food and money.  We are what we eat so conscious dietary habits will pay huge dividends in the long run.  In addition to diet, the Archer needs to examine their attitude toward finances- what money can and what it cannot buy.  This can be an immensely powerful time to meet with a seasoned financial advisor to help develop a long -term financial strategy that is in alignment with your philosophical approach to life.  This can favor the Archer in the pursuit of happiness, but not if the philosophical approach is “in God we trust-but everyone else pays cash”.


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life that is associated with you and your established identity.  As the Sat Graha, Saturn is tasking you with self-examination, and self-awareness.  If the Goat can gaze into the mirror and likes the image looking back, they can continue the sure-footed path to self-realization.  If the Goat does not like what they see that is a different story and therefore requires a different path.  Saturn teaches us time waits for no one, and a new journey of a thousand miles starts with a step in a new direction.  If Capricorn’s self-image is dated, and in need of a refresh, then this is the time to simply rejuvenate that faded image by taking a simple step in a new direction. 


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with rest and repose.  As the Sat Graha, Saturn is tasking Aquarius to step back, not forward to rebalance their lives.  The dark part of the year reminds us that even Mother Nature must take a seasonal break from the onward and upward seasons of non-stop growth. Like Mother Nature If Aquarius can take that step back to a preferred fallow place, then this period will be restorative, rejuvenating and rebalancing.   If not, Aquarius is apt to see the proverbial well run dry.  Follow Mother Nature’s lead as the leaves gradually fall off the trees.  This is a gradual process that starts with the shedding of a couple of leaves to lighten the load.   


For those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with your friends and communities.  As the Sat Graha, Saturn is tasking Pisces to examine whether their friendships and communities hold enough water for the Fish to swim comfortably.  If the trust in your friendships and communities has continued during these stressful times, then Pisces will continue to enjoy these celestial waters in contentment.  If not, and the Fish finds flip-flopping friends this will be a time to face the cold hard truth if these current streams are taking you upstream where you belong.  If they are not this will be the time for Pisces to find another stream and another school of like-minded fish.  There is no shortage of coy ponds when you are happily swimming upstream with your preferred community members.   

July, August, September 2021 Forecast

As the summer of 2021 begins, Jupiter is tenanting the constellation of Aquarius.  Due to the increasing success of the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out, the global economy is taking off, and many international economists predict strong growth of over six percent. This fact has created an unprecedented shift favoring workers over employers, as the economic boom has led to an increase both in jobs and wages. Consequently, it has also led to the specter of price increases and inflation.

Now that Jupiter, the most brilliant planet of light, is in the humanistic sign of Aquarius, we are not surprised that the celestial weather is trending in favor of the people and humanistic endeavors.  One such representative is Horace Mann, considered “The Father of American Public Education.” He was born with Jupiter in Aquarius.  Born into poverty and childhood labor, he rose to become valedictorian of Brown University’s graduating class of 1819.  After Law school, he became a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives and later the Senate. The reforms he brought to teaching and education spread to other states resulting in a revolution in public education.


Mann became President of Antioch College in Ohio toward the end of life from 1853 to 1859, espousing his humanitarian values.  He is remembered for his commencement message to the graduating class of 1859 - the last year of his life: “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”  This message of hope and inspiration is repeated for each graduating class at Antioch.


The constellation of Aquarius is opposite the constellation of Leo, ruled by the Sun. It is a royal sign representing the affairs of the kings and leaders.  Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. It is a sign of the people, representing the affairs of humanity. The constellation of Aquarius is known as the “Water Bearer,” and many mistakenly believe Aquarius to be a water constellation. They are often surprised to find that Aquarius is a representative of the air constellations. The symbolic waves of Aquarius represent the thought realm of humanistic ideation.  We first have to imagine a better world for all before we can begin to create it.


With Jupiter’s light now shining through the constellation of the people, the trend is currently favoring the Individual. Government Anti-Trust lawsuits aimed at monopolies have gained momentum.  If successful, these hold the promise of increased competition resulting in lower-cost benefits for all.  The rising cost of college education and the soul-crushing debt students have incurred now are a matter of public record.  The debate has shifted from discussion of reforms on the state level to discussion of debt relief and free public college education at state-sponsored colleges. Dialogue has begun on both the state and federal levels regarding the college student debt crises. Federal debt forgiveness is at the heart of those discussions.  Now that Jupiter has returned to Aquarius - where it was in Horace Mann’s chart - he would be beaming with egalitarian pride in light of these humanistic events.

July 2021

July starts off with Mars in Cancer coming opposite Saturn in Capricorn on the 1st of the month.  Mars in Cancer is transiting his weakest constellation, while Saturn in Capricorn is in his own sign.  If you are feeling run-down at this time, you are not alone. It has been a long slog to get to this point in the pandemic. Although the Summer Solstice light beckons, you may feel like your get-and-go has gotten up and gone.  This time will trend to deliberative rather than spontaneous action.  Saturn’s strong influence on Mars can help to reduce that pent-up “to-do list” but embrace it steady - one day at a time.


Mars will conjoin Venus for a brief respite and libation on the 12th of the month. He will move on to his exact degree of weakness at 28 Cancer on the 16th, where he will run out of gas.  Mars then leaves Cancer and Saturn’s influence, coming into the sign of Leo on the 20th.  Mars does exceptionally well in the sign of the Sun, his fiery friend.  While in the sign of Leo, Mars will be found under the aspect of best friend Jupiter, who is in the aforesaid opposite constellation of Aquarius. At the month’s end on the 29th, Mars and Jupiter will be in exact aspect, from the opposite signs of Leo and Aquarius.


In effect, Mars will be obstructed and run down until the third week of July, when he changes signs and comes under the benevolent aspect of Jupiter. In Indian mythology, Mars and Jupiter are brothers, with Jupiter being the older and wiser of the two. The energetic juice you thought was gone early in July will start to return in full regalia toward the end of the month. The building enthusiasm will punctuate the areas of life that these planets rule. In the forecasts for each of the constellations, you will find how their transits will impact you.


Mercury starts the month in the constellation of Taurus, where he has been aligned with the shadow planets - Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio. He leaves the storm planets behind when he enters his sign of Gemini on the 6th.  In his own sign, Mercury favors commerce and business while transiting Gemini.  Mercury will be under the beneficial aspect of Jupiter from Aquarius until the 23rd of July.  Mercury favors business dealings and decisions and considering Jupiter’s aspect while in Gemini - training and education. Take advantage of this time - because, on the 23rd, Mercury will come under the deliberative influence of Saturn in the opposite sign of Capricorn, which will slow things down. 


August 2021

The month of August begins with Mercury in Cancer precisely aligning opposite Saturn in his own sign of Capricorn. While in aspect to Saturn, Mercury will be deliberate and exacting in his judgments and discernments - as the sages say, “the devil is in the details.” On the 8th of the month, he enters Leo where he leaves the aspect under Saturn and glances toward Jupiter transiting Aquarius. Venus, who is Mercury’s best friend, is already in Leo and will playfully travel with him until Mercury comes exactly opposite Jupiter on August 10th. The sign of Leo is royal but playful, and this trends to be a good time for festivities and to entertain while Venus and Jupiter are in aspect with Mercury.


August will also feature Mars’ transit through the sign of Leo under the aspect of Jupiter. Jupiter’s influence on Mars trends to more benevolent actions rather than the usual self-serving ones. Mercury in Leo leaves behind his relationship with Venus/Jupiter and embraces his liaison with Mars/Jupiter after the 10th.  Although Mars will be under the influence of beneficient Jupiter, he and Mercury will come to exact alignment in Leo on the 18th of August, signaling a time of caution.


Mercury is the most sensitive of the planets. We use his metal to measure the temperature, watching the quicksilver rise and fall in response to the changing weather. Mars is a fiery planet, and when he comes into contact with Mercury, the global and celestial climate will increasingly heat up, as their alignment is in the fire constellation of Leo!  In addition, the Sun, the lord of Leo, will transit his own sign the second half of August to the first half of September. Mercury will be in fiery Leo with both of these planets until the 25th of the month. August is trending to be one hell of a hot month. Caution is advised for travel in areas where there are drought conditions; be prepared for the threat of heat, fire, and smoke.  Heed your local weather and air quality forecasts during this critical time. Be careful in engaging with “hotheads,” as they most likely will be overheated and ill-tempered during this time.  Conflicted and argumentative madcaps will have their day so try your best not to make crucial decisions – don’t let the heat overwhelm you.  Once the fire starts, it will be hard to extinguish as temperatures will be at the kindling point.


Mercury will thankfully leave Mars and the Sun behind when he enters his own sign of Virgo on the 25th of August. He will reunite with his best friend Venus while in Virgo until month’s end. This will trend to be a more progressive time to make decisions as Mercury will be more sociable and fun-loving under the influence of Venus. You can get a lot more bees with honey. 

September 2021

Mercury will remain in his own sign of Virgo with Venus until the 5th of this month, helping cool down Mercury from the Dog Days of August. The respite is short-lived as Mars will enter the sign of Virgo on the 5th as well.  Mercury, moving faster, and transiting in later degrees of Virgo, will thankfully not precisely align with Mars during their joint transit of Virgo. The Sun will enter Mercury’s sign of Virgo on the 16th. So once again, until this aspect passes - the heat is on in the domain of life that Virgo represents in your natal chart. Cooler heads prevail in cooler times is the global mantra we all should be reciting.

Mercury’s movement will start to slow while in Virgo in preparation for his retrograde cycle at month’s end, which heralds his closest approach to the earth. He will remain in Virgo until the 25th of the month. Once again, the fleet-footed messenger will escape the grasp of Mars and hang out with his best friend Venus - but this time in Venus’ own sign of Libra. In effect, Mercury’s thermometer will be getting a run for its money this summer north of the equator.

On September 14th Jupiter will leave the constellation of Aquarius and retrograde back into the latter degrees of the constellation of Capricorn. While in Capricorn, Jupiter will shine his light on Mercury in Virgo, helping to illuminate his path forward until the 25th of the month. Jupiter will remain in Capricorn until the third week of November when he again moves forward into the Water Bearer sign. Capricorn is the Winter Solstice sign, and while Jupiter is in Capricorn, he will once again be transiting with Saturn in Saturn’s own sign.  The humanistic economic and educational trends that Jupiter has championed in Aquarius will be put to the test. We shall see whether these trends suffer a setback or develop the strength to stand the test of time. 


Mercury and Venus will blissfully reside in Libra until the month’s end. This favors delightful social gatherings for the young and young at heart. Mercury favors youth, and our young have been highly challenged during the pandemic. Don’t forget to celebrate the Fall Equinox on September 22nd - one of only two equal days of the year. This alignment favors social connections as students return to school and college. Take full advantage of this short window to reaffirm your friendships. Mercury will retrograde on September 27th at 1 degree Libra. He will only remain with Venus in Libra until the last day of September - so enjoy the good times and good light, however fleeting at the end of September.

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14th – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet, Mars in Cancer, will be transiting opposite strong Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with home and family.  The trend for the Ram until the 3rd week of July: less is more.  This is a great time to take a break and get away from it all. Your planet Mars enters the regal sign of Leo later in July and continues to transit opposite Jupiter in Aquarius until early September.  Now that Mars has escaped Saturn’s grasp, this time favors a fully charged Ram. The opposite alignment of Mars and Jupiter influences the domains of life associated with your creativity and friendships.  This favors your progeny and is an excellent time to connect with your children. Engage in positive, constructive activities to rebuild their confidence and competitive spirit due to the effects of the pandemic. This is the time for the Ram to seize the day. 


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars in Cancer will be transiting opposite strong Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with siblings, education, and travel.  The Bull tends to plow through, but alas, your bullish mind can be writing checks that your body can’t cash during the first weeks of July. This is a grazing time, not a plowing time for Taurus.  Mars will enter the sign of Leo later in July and continues to transit opposite Jupiter in Aquarius until early September. This opposite alignment of Mars and Jupiter is influencing the domains of life associated with family and career.  All this favors a productive and fruitful professional time for the Bull.  Mars in the realm of home and family suggest caution so family matters do not become overheated, resulting in family squabbles and conflict.  The Bull needs to be cool-headed during the Dog Days of August. 


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars in Cancer will be transiting opposite strong Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with finances and debt.  Although mobile Gemini undoubtedly has pent-up travel fever, take care not to exhaust yourself and your funds in your travel planning.  Later in the month, Mars will improve as he comes opposite Jupiter in Aquarius.  This opposite alignment will positively influence the domains of life regarding travel and siblings.  It represents a good time for summer travel and connecting with brothers and sisters. This opposite alignment also favors travel and education.  If you are a student, the time is favorable for returning to school or college. Gemini needs comradery to remediate the pandemic Blues.  Mobile Gemini needs to log off their mobile app and expand their social circle in person.


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars in Cancer will be transiting opposite strong Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with you and your relationships. This can be a challenging period for the Crab in regard to romance. Particularly if you are experiencing that the love is gone, and you just can’t get it back.  Focus more deliberately on self-need and self-esteem during this time.  Later in July, Mars moves into Leo and comes opposite Jupiter in the domains of life associated with food, finance, and debt.  This can be an excellent time to embrace a post-Covid-19 diet plan - especially if you have put on 19 pounds during the time of Covid! If you have saved money during the pandemic, now is the time for the Crab to hang onto that stash with both Claws and pay down your debts.  Avoid the temptation to engage in retail therapy.  This is the path forward. The Crab craves financial security and the emotional rewards it brings.


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars in Cancer will be transiting opposite strong Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with health, hygiene, and repose.  The Lion needs to chill in July to restore their fabulous feline spirit. The journey of a hundred miles starts with one step in a new direction. This is the time to take that deliberate step toward restoring the Big Cat’s work/rest balance.  Healthy habits regarding diet, coupled with proper rest, will get the Regal Lion feeling like they are back in the game.  Later in July, Mars moves to Leo and comes opposite Jupiter in Aquarius in the domains of life associated with you and your relationships.  Their opposite alignment is positive for the Big Cat. If your love life has felt muted recently, this is the time when it can come roaring back.  Improvements in health, relationship, and marriage are on the rise for Leo.


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars in Cancer will be transiting opposite strong Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with friends and creativity.  Virgo’s usual supportive social circle may have just have run out of gas. Don’t fret - once Mars clears Saturn’s influence later in the month, your friends and social networks will start to pick up steam. Creative energy is also low, so best to finish up old projects before you create new ones. Later in July, Mars moves to Leo and comes opposite Jupiter in Aquarius in the domains of life associated with health, hygiene, and rest.  Jupiter in Aquarius continues to favor changes in health and diet. The good habits Virgo has recently developed will continue to bear fruit if followed.  However, Mars in Leo can disturb your rest and repose, so Virgo needs to power down before bedtime. Focus on peaceful thoughts before the lights go out.


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars in Cancer will be transiting opposite strong Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with home, family, and career.  Due to the influence of both Mars and Saturn, lovely Libra may have lowly feelings about being left behind in the economic uptick regarding career. This is only temporary - so do not believe for a moment that your career path is stuck in the mud.  Once Mars moves to Leo later in July, you will feel momentum return. As Mars in Leo aligns opposite Jupiter in Aquarius, it will influence the domains of life associated with friends, goals, and creativity. This is the time to plan your upward trajectory. You need not do it alone, as we all rise with a little help from our friends.  Creativity is on the rise, and social Libra will benefit significantly from schmoozing - not snoozing - with work colleagues. You may make some new friends in the process.


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet, Mars in Cancer, will be transiting opposite strong Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with travel, education and the fine arts.  Mars and Saturn here discourage travel as Saturn is generally indicative of delays and obstructions.  It will be a better time for Scorpio to journey later in September. Your planet Mars is tired in Cancer, and while opposite Saturn, it is best not to take on any additional projects during this time. Later in July, when Mars enters the sign of Leo beyond the reach of Saturn, your Martian Mojo will undoubtedly return.  Mars’s transit in Leo opposite Jupiter in Aquarius influences the domains of life associated with vocation, home, and family.  This planetary combination favors both career and family matters. They present a progressive time, as the celestial playing cards are stacked favorably rewarding these domains of life.    


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars in Cancer is transiting opposite strong Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life debt and finances. If the pandemic drained your resources resulting in debt, this is the time for the Archer to take charge of their financial situation. Develop a deliberate plan to reduce your debt obligations gradually.  Later in July, when Mars enters Leo, he will transit opposite your planet Jupiter in Aquarius, influencing the domains of life associated with travel, education, and the fine arts. This is an excellent time for the Archer to travel, not just for pleasure but for educational and artistic pursuits.  Whether in the worldly or spiritual realms, continuing education inspires the Archer on their onward and upward trajectory.  Once your arrows aim high again, you will feel back on target - up where you belong in the heavenly realms. 


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars in Cancer will be transiting opposite your planet, Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with partners, relationship and You.   Capricorns, generally speaking, are usually risk-averse, and they trek a sure-footed path to self-sufficiency.  It is best to step steady on meeting your own needs at this time. Your partners and significant others may be too bogged down with their own responsibilities to offer the help you deserve.  Later in July, when Mars enters Leo, he will transit opposite Jupiter in Aquarius, influencing life's domains associated with debt and finance. Jupiter in Aquarius is excellent for increasing the financial security the Goat craves. Be wary of Mars urging you toward impulsive, expensive purchases which can increase your debt load exponentially. No matter how much you may deserve the momentary satisfaction of those purchases - the debt and buyer’s remorse will last infinitely longer!


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars in Cancer will be transiting opposite your planet, Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with health, hygiene, and repose.  Your planet Saturn is urging deliberate repose. This can be an excellent time to take a vacation, as in stop the world - I want to get off! Vacation or retreat will provide marvels for the Water Bearer and wonders for your wonderful imagination.  By nature, Aquarians are social, but they also need to recharge to get the electricity flowing again. Later in July, when Mars enters Leo, he will transit opposite Jupiter in Aquarius in the domains of life influencing partnership, relationship, and self. This exciting combination of planetary energy can send more sparks flying than fireworks on the 4th of July!  All the more reason for Aquarians to recharge earlier so they can be on their A-game romantically.   


Those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars in Cancer will be transiting opposite strong Saturn in Capricorn, influencing the domains of life associated with creativity, progeny, and friends. The needs of children may call to you during this time, so do not be distracted. You will want to be fully available in your maternal and paternal roles.  Friends that have fallen on difficult times may wish to tail-gate, and by all means, let them join you as you swim upstream. Later in July, when Mars enters Leo, he will transit opposite your planet, Jupiter in Aquarius, and influence the domains of life associated with health, hygiene, and repose.  Your empathy for others is the hallmark of the Fish. But you cannot be there in the continuing role of Fish on Call unless you take the time to examine your own needs in the calms pools of self-reflection.  Jupiter in Aquarius will provide that clear, reflective-looking glass for you during this transit in Aquarius.  

April, May, June 2021 Forecast

As we enter the spring of 2021, the highlight is the ingress of Jupiter into the constellation of Aquarius on April 5th. The principal planet of light, Jupiter, will leave the constellation of Capricorn on that day where he has seesawed back and forth since late March of 2020. On March 29th of 2020, Jupiter entered Capricorn, where he remained until June 30th of 2020. Capricorn is the constellation of the Winter Solstice – the darkest period of time – when light is severely diminished. This is Jupiter's weakest placement. He simply does not have the light to encourage growth during this dark time. Accordingly, this is why his transit of Capricorn has been associated with global downturns and recessions. We collectively witnessed this from late 2008 to 2009 when Jupiter tenanted Capricorn, and similarly in the aforesaid 2nd quarter of 2020 when a global recession was declared due to the Corona Virus pandemic.


Therefore, there is cause for a grand celebration as Jupiter has left his weakest constellation with a promise of a resumption of increasing light and economic growth. The many national and international financial rescue packages, launched this year and last, have helped those businesses and peoples most affected during the darkest time of this pandemic-induced downturn. The tentative outlook of economic rebound is dependent on the successful roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccines establishing growing international immunity in the face of the mutating virus. It is but a matter of time until we collectively gain greater immunity and defeat this terrible plague's effects.

The constellation of Aquarius is known as the "Water Bearer," and many mistakenly believe Aquarius to be a water constellation. They are often surprised to find that Aquarius is a representative of the air constellations. The wavy glyph of Aquarius does not represent waves of water, but rather waves of air – the air and ether waves, if you will. Aquarius symbolically represents the long and short wave pattern which we experience as sound, vision, and color. In effect, the longwave pattern of light. This also translates to the remote perceptional platforms such as radio, television, cellular devices, and the "airwaves" of the internet and its online activities – through which we experience sound, vision, and color.


Now when Jupiter is in Aquarius, heralding the potential of emerging economic growth, the debate will undoubtedly come to focus around the increased influence of "Big Other," carrying with it the implicit specter of diminished growth and impact for our "Little Selves." This insight is the premise of Zuboff's New York Times Notable Book of the Year. What are the consequences for democratic nations that espouse individual rights compared to the growing power of "Big Other" corporate monopolies? Stay tuned as this drama unfolds with Jupiter in Aquarius.

To that end, the power brokers who own and control virtual reality have benefited and gained more wealth and influence to leverage our lives in that direction during the pandemic. However, the balance shifting in favor of aiding them more may indeed benefit us less. That is the premise of Shoshana Zuboff's tome - The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. Zuboff postulates that surveillance capitalism has moved from an Orwellian "Big Brother" to a Silicon Valley "Big Other" - where our data lives and virtual behaviors are tracked, collected, and sold without our knowledge or consent. Our virtual selves are now replacing our authentic selves. And there is little to no oversight, giving "Big Other" the power to shape and control the terms of our future, and for that matter, the social order, according to Zuboff.



April 2021

Jupiter enters the constellation of Aquarius on April 5th, where he will remain until late September of this year. Jupiter is weak and debilitated in Saturn's constellation of Capricorn, and his ingress into Aquarius improves his prognostications significantly. Aquarius is a fixed air constellation, ruled by Saturn, favoring humanitarian endeavors. Please see the personal forecast for each of the constellations where Jupiter's transit of Aquarius will influence you.


Mars will enter the constellation of Gemini on April 13th, but the day before he leaves Taurus, he will come opposite the eclipse point of the total solar eclipse of December 14th. This represents a volatile point in time, as Mars is an indicator of violence and conflict. Further, while in Taurus, Mars has been aligned with Rahu and Ketu, harbingers of storms and severe weather. It pays to be cautious in your undertakings in the middle of this month as the celestial weather is exceptionally uncertain. While in Gemini, Mars will be under the beneficial aspect of Jupiter from Aquarius, influencing Mars to more constructive rather than destructive activities.


A couple of days later, on April 16th Mercury will enter the constellation of Aries. Mercury and Mars will be in planetary exchange as they transit each other's constellations. This planetary exchange lends itself positively to critical thinking and trending to the negative in increased contention and argumentation. After a few minutes, you will know which of the two audiences you are dealing with. If it is the latter, move on as fast as you can. The planetary exchange thankfully concludes at month's end.


April concludes on a positive trend with Mercury now free from his exchange with Mars and Venus released from combustion with the Sun. Venus needs about ten degrees of separation from the Sun to be seen in the heavens. Venus will momentarily achieve that separation at the end of the month. When again visible in the heavens it is cause for all kinds of social celebrations. The planet of love and his brilliant light is what the world needs now during this global pandemic.

May 2021

The month of May features Venus' transit of the constellation of Taurus, which starts on the 4th. Taurus is Venus's own constellation, which is usually favorable for the Venusian activities of love and connectivity. However, the storm planet Rahu is currently tenanting Taurus and will disturb Venus's usual tranquility. The spring month of May usually features social activities of appreciation, such as Mother's Day, honoring the archetypal creative spirit associated with the increasing light of spring. The longer days will certainly encourage us to interact to remediate and relieve the extreme isolation caused by a year-long slog of social distancing enacted due to the global pandemic. However, the threat of a 4th wave of the Covid-19 virus will stand in contrast to that end as we evaluate the global vaccine campaign's efficacy. Venus will remain with the storm planet Rahu in Taurus until May 28th. So until the effectiveness of the worldwide vaccine effort is demonstrated, it seems best to continue limiting social interactions and social celebrations.


In addition, May will feature the first of four eclipses this year on the 26th. Usually, there are only four eclipses each year, and this year follows the norm. Last year was not the norm, as it featured a total of six eclipses - and due to that anomaly, we are still grappling with "what is the new normal?" On May 26th, a lunar eclipse will occur in the constellation of Scorpio at 11 degrees. Lunar eclipses occur at the full moon, and the word "lunatic" refers to those who the full moon unduly influences. Feelings will run high during this time, so be cautious not to get caught up in the fever of intense, overpowering emotions.


Further, Mercury will retrograde a couple of days later, on May 29th in the constellation of Gemini. It is best not to make important decisions during Mercury's stopping in the heavens, whether he is moving backward or forwards, and during his combustion and close proximity to the Sun. Although Mercury will be in his own constellation and align with Venus on May 29th, caution again is urged in making critical decisions. Mercury will only remain in Gemini for a couple of days before he retrogrades back into Taurus. Mercury is so sensitive that we use his metal in thermometers to watch the Mercury rise and fall in rapid response to environmental temperature. This lovely month of May ends on a volatile note with a lunar eclipse and Mercury RX reminding us we are living in uncertain times.

June 2021

June kicks off with Mars leaving the constellation of Gemini and moving into the constellation of Cancer on the 1st. Mars becomes weak and deflated in Cancer's constellation as his competitive spirit is not confluent with the sign of home, family, and nurturing. Mars' usually competitive energy will be dampened in this constellation, so be careful not to lose your mojo this month, especially if you feel you are burning the proverbial candle at both ends. Mars will come opposite a strong Saturn in Capricorn on the 1st of July. Pace yourselves accordingly towards the end of June, as you may feel you are running on empty.

June features the 2nd of the eclipses, a partial solar eclipse on June 10th at 26 degrees of Taurus. This eclipse is annular, which means "ring." The new moon will only partially cover the Sun, leaving the exposed ring of fire of the Sun's corona. Partial solar eclipses are not as powerful as total solar eclipses. However, for the persistent celestial natives influenced by this eclipse, please be advised of energetic limits as you cannot be all things to all people all of the time. Make sure you follow your speed limit and use the brake pedal more than the gas this month.

Mercury will remain in his own constellation of Gemini for the first two days of June, upon which time he will retrograde back into Taurus. Mercury will stop in the heavens again on June 22nd and begin his forward motion in Taurus, remaining until early July. Furthermore, it is best not to make crucial decisions when Mercury the messenger is stopping and changing directions in the heavens. Mercury only retrogrades when he comes close to the earth and spends more time in a given constellation than when moving forward. The salient point in delineating Mercury's transit of any sign is the planetary company Mercury keeps. If he is associated with the benefic planets of light, his retrograde time trends positive. If he is associated with the malefic planets of less light, his time trends negatively. This Mercury retrograde trends a mixture of both benefic and malefic influences.


Mercury will be transiting Venus' constellation of Taurus this month, while Venus will be transiting Mercury's constellation of Gemini until the 22nd. This planetary exchange with Venus is especially beneficial to the winged messenger. However, the storm planet Rahu is only halfway through his transit of Taurus, and the other storm planet, Ketu, is just halfway through his transit of Scorpio. These shadow planets in association with Mercury will cast a shadow of a doubt on Mercury's judgments for the rest of the month. Mercury will leave Taurus and the shadow planets in early July on the 6th when he returns to Gemini's own constellation. This trends more positive for Mercury's indications and judgments in regards to important decisions.

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14th – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter transiting Aquarius will occur in the domain of life associated with your goals, friends, and community. Jupiter here will spur you to connect with like-minded people who share your life goals and desires. This represents a favorable time of out-reach to your community. Your planet, Mars, is now deflated in Cancer, transiting the domain of life associated with your home and family. This placement for the Ram represents the potential to adjust your work /family balance - as the reality is you simply cannot have it both ways. The Ram needs to power down in favor of family. The June solar eclipse is influencing your finances, so be careful during this time to avoid crazy financial schemes and risks. You know the old adage. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is not.


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter transiting Aquarius will occur in the domain of life associated with your career. This is an excellent transit for career and represents a clear-eyed perspective of where growth is possible in your profession. Take full advantage of this time. Deflated Mars in Cancer will be transiting the domain of life associated with comrades and siblings, so they may need more assistance and support until Mars gains strength later in the summer. The June solar eclipse is influencing the part of the chart associated with your nativity. The Bull needs to careful of limits and overwork during this eclipse season. Taurus natives have a tendency to plow through to the journey's end - but alas, your bullish mind can be writing checks that your body can't easily cash.


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter transiting Aquarius will occur in the domain of life associated with travel and education. This is an excellent time for mobile Gemini to further their educations, dreams, and credentials. Even though many schools do not offer in-person learning during the pandemic, online learning has exploded. Take full advantage of this time. Deflated Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with your finances. If you suddenly are feeling overwhelmed about your finances, do not panic during this time. Instead, calmly meet with an advisor to develop a clear long-term strategy. The June solar eclipse is influencing your rest and repose. Mobile Gemini needs to become less mobile and focus on healing during this time.


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter transiting Aquarius will occur in the domain of life associated with debt, legacies, and insurance. This is an excellent time to assess your insurance coverage relative to your needs. A debt management program is a must if you have been financially leveraged due to the pandemic. Depending upon age, reflecting on your legacies can be a positive and life-affirming activity, ensuring your last will and testament. Deflated Mars in Cancer is transiting the domain of life associated with your nativity. If you feel you have lost your mojo, you are frankly not alone during this pandemic. It is far better to jump-start your mojo gradually than dramatically—no cause for alarm. The June solar eclipse is influencing friends and community, and you may be called upon to help others in your circle during this time.


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter transiting Aquarius will occur in the domain of life associated with your partners and significant other. This time trends positive for improvement in relationship, partnership, and marriage for the Regal Lion. Jupiter here sheds his light for the benefit of those who are most important and significant to Leo. Deflated Mars in Cancer is transiting the domain of life associated with rest and repose. The Big Cat is usually on the prowl but needs to stretch out and lounge in the light this spring to restore the feline spirit, as rest and regeneration are needed during this time. All work and no play make the Lion feel lousy. The June solar eclipse is influencing one's profession. The game of change is afoot in regards to your career. Leo needs to go with the celestial flow.


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter's transit of Aquarius will occur in the domain of life associated with your health, diet, and hygiene. This is an excellent time for fastidious Virgo to complement their health and healing regimens. Take time to read food labels before rather than after the meal. A little bit of Jupiter's knowledge goes a long way – as you well know, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Developing good habits will save the season, not just the day. Deflated Mars in Cancer is transiting the domain of life associated with your life ambitions and friends. Don't worry – be happy, Virgo; you will eventually reach the fulfillment of your dreams. Like everything else these days, it will just take a little more time. The June solar eclipse is influencing the domain of life associated with education and travel. Those plans will not become clear until later, so cool your jets during this time.


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter's transit of Aquarius will occur in the domain of life associated with progeny and creativity. This is an excellent placement for Jupiter as he will shine his light to spur Libra's creative juices. Libra is an air constellation, and now that Jupiter is in an air constellation, the innovative world of ideas will expand under his influence. This transit also lends itself to your progeny, making it a positive time for children. Deflated Mars in Cancer will be transiting the domain of life associated with career. Libra may feel bogged-down and may reach an impasse in vocation during this time. Mars will only be in this placement for six weeks, so these feelings of obstruction will eventually pass with time. Be patient. The June solar eclipse is influencing the domain of life associated with debt. Don't you think it is finally time to embrace a long-term financial debt relief plan?


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter in Aquarius is transiting the domain of life associated with your home and family. This is an excellent time to examine your living situation to see if it is capable of meeting your growing needs. Home prices are escalating dramatically in many areas, so be mindful not to overreach beyond your means in achieving your goals. Jupiter favors time with family and home improvements during this time. Your planet, deflated Mars in Cancer, is transiting the domain of life associated with travel and education. It is important during this time for Scorpions to pace themselves regarding travel and education relative to energy reserves. Like Taurus, your mind can be writing checks that your energy levels have no resources to pay. The June solar eclipse is influencing your romantic relationships suggesting the recurring theme of less is more for Scorpio.    


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet Jupiter is now in Aquarius and transiting the domain of life associated with siblings and the fine arts. This is an excellent time for the Archer to embrace the arts and at the very least develop a hobby. You will learn so much about yourself in direct engagement in artistic pursuits rather than binge-watching your favorite virtual realities. Connecting in with your brothers and sisters during this time will abate those pandemic feelings of loneness. Deflated Mars in Cancer will be transiting the domain of life associated with your debt and legacies. Like many of the other constellations, this can be a prudent time to develop a long-range debt management program, especially if the pandemic has taken a financial toll. The June solar eclipse is influencing health and dietary considerations, which will draw your attention to this area of your life.


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter in Aquarius is transiting the domain of life associated with your finances and domestic security. Capricorns, generally speaking, are usually risk-averse and trek an agile approach to economic well-being. Jupiter's transit in this life domain is favorable and can increase financial growth and improve domestic security. But this can only occur as long as the Goat follows a sure-footed approach. Deflated Mars in Cancer will be transiting the domain of life associated with partnerships and marriage. Perhaps your partners and significant others are a tad burned out at this time and deserve a break from the daily grind. Don't push the boundaries of your significant relationships during Mars' transit. The June eclipse is influencing progeny so take time to examine your children's needs during this time.


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Jupiter in Aquarius is transiting the domain of life associated with your nativity. This is a very favorable transit for self-esteem. Jupiter here will assist Aquarians to come out of the shadows to frolic in the light. It is time for the Water Bearer to dive into the waves of positive thought and creative discussion. This position of Jupiter also reflects positively on relationships, for when we feel we are being ourselves, it augers well for our connectivity with others. Deflated Mars in Cancer is transiting the domain of life associated with health, hygiene, and diet. This represents an auspicious time to make positive changes in your daily habits that will benefit you in the long term—no quick fix during this transit of Mars. The June eclipse is influencing home and family so make doubly sure all is well on the home-front.   


Those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet Jupiter is now in Aquarius, transiting the domain of life that associated with rest and repose. Now is not the time for the Fish to continue his journey upstream. It is far better to rest and relax in the warm, sun-lit shallow pools of serenity. Jupiter's light will remove the grime of the daily grind if you will just embrace his restorative gaze. Deflated Mars in Cancer is transiting the domain of life associated with your creativity and children. It is hard, almost impossible, to get the creative juices flowing if we are hard-pressed and exhausted. This represents a fallow time for the Fish. It is best to tread water until the tide changes. The June eclipse is bringing your attention to the domain of life associated with brothers and sisters. Spending time with them can be restorative. 

January, February, March 2021 Forecast

Now that the US Presidential election of 2020 has been resolved, our nation moves forward under a new presidential four-year term headed by Joseph Biden. While contemporary astrology concerns itself with the nativities of individuals, in much the same manner, we can examine the nativity of nations. The popular charts for the United States' birth declare the nation was born on July 4th, 1776 in the early hours of the evening.

One of the foundational principles of Vedic astrology is the cycles of the planets which is dependent on where the Moon is positioned at birth. The Moon's placement determines the order of each of the planetary cycles - and most importantly whether you will first experience a beneficial or challenging cycle. Just as individual nativities have positive and challenging seasons, so do national nativities.

The popular evening charts of the United States' birth indicate the birth of our nation took place in the cycle of Rahu on July 4th, 1776. In Vedic astrology, Rahu is a challenging planet of storm and upheaval, as Rahu is a shadow planet that causes eclipses and storms. Our nation's nativity took place during the storm of the revolutionary war, a time of revolution and upheaval in establishing our republic in rebellion against the King of England!

Is it any wonder that we have entered the cycle of Rahu again? According to the popular birth nativities of the United States, we again entered Rahu's planetary cycle in late 2015 or 2016. This timeline coincides with the turbulent past presidential administration and the turbulence surrounding the most recent presidential election. We have seen the protests in the capital turn violent and deadly in contesting the electoral vote in the first week of January - casting a shadow of doubt on the incoming presidential administration. Lastly, our nation's birthday this past year, July 4th, 2020 experienced a partial lunar eclipse. It does seem to be a storm-driven time driven by a manic lunacy.

Further, we are entering the second year of an escalating international pandemic that has taken the lives of over four hundred thousand of our citizens and over two million worldwide. A shadow of doubt remains regarding the pandemic. Rather than accepting the science in the treatment of the Virus, conspiracies abound, as the pandemic has become politicized as part of this cycle of storm and rebellion.

Do not expect the storm to abate any time soon simply because we have elected a new president. The political conspiracies and shadows still run deep, and the pandemic has yet to abate. Rahu's storm cycle will indeed continue in 2021, however, there will not be an eclipse on the birthday of the United States this year, and where 2020 featured an unprecedented six eclipses, 2021 will feature the usual four eclipses. In my opinion, the nation has dodged a bullet as the riots in the capital could have been much worse with greater loss of life. The storm will continue for 2021 but not with the gale-force winds that have recently battered the nation and its peoples.

January 2021

January starts with Mars strong in his own constellation of Aries until the 21st of February. Feelings will run high wherever Mars is placed in your chart to take action regarding the affairs of that domain of life that he represents. Further, Saturn will remain strong as he is transiting his own constellation of Capricorn. Mars and Saturn are traditional malefic or difficult planets in Vedic astrology. Mars wants what he wants, preferably yesterday, and Saturn delays until tomorrow. Frustrations and delays will be felt until Mars leaves the constellation of Aries. Patience is a hard-won virtue and will win the day as life is what's happening while all are busy making other plans.

Mercury enters Saturn's sign of Capricorn on the 4th and remains therein until the 25th when he moves to Aquarius. Mercury is the only planet with the deft ability to travel the three domains of the cosmos, from the light of the heavens to the depths of the darkest regions, due to his speed and mobility. While transiting Capricorn, with Saturn strong therein, Mercury will leave the heavenly realms and focus on the practical affairs of our everyday lives. This is an excellent month to take care of business and set reasonable, realistic goals in light of the chaos of the month. Take an inventory of your financial income and expenses to get a good start on this year.

Mercury will retrograde in the early degrees of Aquarius on January 30th. I always recommend holding off on important decisions the day before, day of, and day after Mercury stops in the heavens due to the fleet-footed messenger changing direction. You want to make sure you are in alignment with his new change in direction, and not get caught flat-footed reading yesterday's news. It is important to remember that not all Mercury RX's are negative. His retrograde movement means that he will reside in a constellation for up to two months, rather than his usual two-week sojourn. If he is with positive planets, the duration of the time is more positive – with negative planets the duration is more malefic. Just be careful during the aforesaid days he stops and changes direction.

February 2021

February features Venus in Capricorn until the 20th, where he will join both Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn. Each year for about a three-week period of time, the two brightest planets in the heavens, Venus and Jupiter, align in the same constellation. In addition, Mercury will retrograde back into Capricorn on the 4th and remain with Jupiter and Venus therein until Venus leaves on the 20th mentioned above. When Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter align in any constellation, it is always an exceptional time regarding the indicators of the constellation and the domain of life it represents in your chart.

This planetary alignment goes under the name of Sarasvati Yoga. Sarasvati is the goddess of the arts and speech in Indian mythology. Her great river is said to flow in the veins of artisans and inspirational speakers. Further, this alignment is taking place in Saturn's sign of Capricorn, which is an indicator of governments and public corporations. As Sarasvati is an artisan and diplomat, her time favors harmony between nations and business. Her Yoga augurs well for government accord and trade agreements for those who wish to come together in this time of discord. Because Saturn is in his own sign of Capricorn and in alignment with Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, his influence will be practical and down to earth – not grandiose - so business agreements and policies established during this time will have greater traction and durability for those concerned. Saturn plainly states, never overstates, the bottom line is what it is. See this edition's column for each of the twelve constellations to see how Sarasvati's Yoga influences you.

On the 21st of February, Mars leaves his own constellation of Aries and enters Taurus. The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting the constellations of Taurus and Scorpio. Mars will be in alignment with the storm planet Rahu until the middle of April. Rahu will fan Mars' flames and this augers for a turbulent and volatile time during this alignment. When Mars is volatile, he is unpredictable and can go from peaceful to incendiary in record time. Whatever uncertainties you find troubling - don't let them get the best of you during this volatile transit. Mars and Jupiter are brothers in Indian mythology, and Mars does much better in his brother's sign or in aspect to his brother. Thankfully Jupiter in Capricorn will cast his light on both Mars and Rahu in Taurus. Jupiter represents those who are wiser; gurus, counselors, and consultants. So, before doing anything rash, consult those who have been there, done it - and have the t-shirt to prove it! See this edition's column for each of the twelve constellations to see where Rahu and Mars influence you.

March 2021

Every 12 years, Jupiter returns to the constellation of Capricorn where his usual brilliant light is reduced in the sign of the winter solstice. In the eternal cycle of growth and repose, his winter placement coincides with global recessions. Point of reference - Jupiter entered Capricorn in the last days of March 2020 to the last day of June 2020 and an immediate global recession was declared due to the Corona Virus pandemic. As the 1st quarter of 2021 comes to an end, all eyes will be jointly on the pandemic vaccines and the pandemic economic relief effort. In tandem, will they be enough to stem the economic losses of the last year? Jupiter will continue to transit the sign of the Capricorn off and on until November of this year. His transit of the winter solstice constellation has a way to go before this time concludes.

Venus enters the constellation of Pisces on March 16th, where Venus is exalted in its most powerful placement until mid-April. When the planet of love and affection is exalted, it is a wonderful time of celebration with friends, community, and loved ones. With so much disconnection and social distancing during the pandemic, the hope lingers that we will be more able to connect with those we value with the vaccine roll-out. Venus will be exalted as we approach the Spring Equinox on March 20th, one of only two days, when light and dark are equal and balanced the world over. The Spring Equinox favors the increasing light, and Venus' strength in exaltation favors the light as well.

However, Venus will combust the Sun on March 26th and remain absent from the heavens until he gains enough distance on the Sun in late April. Although we look to Venus for joyous celebrations, the classic texts proclaim when the planet of love cannot be seen in the heavens, it is not a good time to plan peace accords or marriage until Venus's bright light is again visible. Mars will also exactly align with Rahu on the 26th as well, so overall not an auspicious time for celebratory events even though the light is increasing day by day. Wait until later in April when Venus reappears, and Jupiter has left the constellation of Capricorn for those celebrations for which you have patiently waited and so decidedly deserve.

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14th – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with your vocation. Look for opportunities for advancement during this time but with Saturn strong, do not over-reach or have expectations of grandeur. With so many planets in Capricorn, if one opportunity does not play out, move on to the next. Your planet Mars, with Rahu, will be transiting the domain of life associated with your finances. During this time of economic volatility, make sure you have an emergency fund if sudden financial expenses present themselves. Money can't buy you love - however, it can buy you time. You will love having some extra cash and extra time to deal with any unforeseen crises during this time.


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with higher education and travel. This can be an excellent time to improve your educational pedigree through university and online certification or a diploma course. During the pandemic it is ill-advised to travel, so education represents the ability of your mind to voyage without going anywhere. The planet Mars, with Rahu, will be transiting the domain of life associated with your nativity. The Bull represents the power and determination related to the sign of Taurus. However, during this time it is important for the Bull to be mindful of over-work and over-stress. Simply put - your bullish mind can be writing checks that your body can't easily cash.


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with insurance and debt. If your debt is high this is an excellent time to shop around for lower rates as interest rates are at an all-time low. Refinance your loans to take advantage of low rates. This is also an excellent time to review your insurance for both better rates and coverage. The planet Mars, with Rahu, will be transiting the domain of life associated with rest and repose. Work/life balance will become of paramount importance for mobile Gemini during the pandemic under this alignment. It is far healthier to gradually decompress into relaxation after work-related stress than suddenly stop and start.


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with your partnerships and marriage. This is an excellent time to renew your marriage vows or take your relationship or union to the next level. If your relationship has survived the pandemic of the last year, it is both a fair and foul weather partnership, and so is good to go regardless of the celestial weather. Mars, with Rahu will be transiting the domain of life associated with friendship and community. Sudden difficulties with friends and communities can arise during this time. It is essential to be patient during this alignment, for if the fellowship and community are on solid ground, your patience will see you through. However, if severe fault lines develop, there could be a reckoning.


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with your health and hygiene. This is an excellent time to make informed and important lifestyle changes, not just embrace some new fad diet. This time represents the health-oriented New Year Resolutions you should have made at the beginning of the year. Saturn never denies - he just delays, so now is the time for the Lion to make those resolutions and change your lifestyle in the direction of longevity. The planet Mars, with Rahu, will be transiting the domain of life associated with your vocation. Both Mars and Rahu are extremely powerful in this placement. This can be a time of bold and provocative change for the Big Cat in regards to career. Fortune favors the bold during this planetary alignment for the Regal Lion.


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with creativity and progeny. This is an excellent creative time for the natives of Virgo to improve their children's lives. Sarasvati is the goddess of the fine arts, and this represents an exceptional time of creativity for those natives of Virgo to excel in the arts. The arts are where heaven touches earth, and this represents a heavenly time for Virgo. The planet Mars, with Rahu, will be transiting the domain of life associated with travel and higher education. Many colleges and universities have struggled in the pandemic as classes have moved back and forth from online to in person. This represents a volatile time for Virgo in education, so it is important now to just go with the flow, rather than become exasperated and exhausted through the constant ups and downs. Patience will see you through the ordeal as the duration of this uncertainty is about six weeks.


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with home and family. This particular alignment favors the purchase of a new home or inspiring improvements to your current domesticity. It also favors time with family and mother in particular. If where you live inspires you, then you have the ability to inspire others. If not, then this is the time to make changes. The planet Mars, with Rahu will be transiting the domain of life associated with legacies, debt, and insurance. Review your insurance during this time to make sure you have sufficient coverage in the event of unforeseen challenges. The pandemic has created a unique tax situation for many, so Librans should meet with their favorite tax advisors due to the complexity of taxes during the pandemic, so there are no surprises.


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with the arts, sports, and siblings. As Sarasvati is the goddess of the arts, the placement of her Yoga here is doubly favored for Scorpio. This can be an excellent time to gain respected proficiency in the fine arts or develop enhanced sporting skills. Time spent with siblings has the distinct possibility of revitalizing those meaningful familial relationships. Your planet Mars, with Rahu will be transiting the domain of life associated with your relationships and partnerships. Volatility can erupt during this time, so choose your battles with caution. Sold relationships and partners will survive this six-week transits, but those that spiral out of control will not, as the Scorpion forgives but never forgets.


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with finances, food, and domesticity. This is an excellent time to examine finances to see if you are spending wisely and that your purchases bring you joy - not buyer remorse. During this short period of time, you may wish to embrace the adage: I spent ninety percent of my income on great food and great wine – the rest I squandered! Libation – not excess is in order. The planet Mars with Rahu will be transiting the domain of life, health, and hygiene. This volatile combination does not favor extreme changes in your diet or health regimen. Whatever changes you choose to embrace, research them thoroughly and commence them reasonably in good order.


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with your nativity. This represents an excellent period to examine your self-image and improve your self-esteem. We all project a particular image to the world, whether in person or virtually, during this time of the pandemic. Sarasvati's Yoga represents the time for the Sure-Footed Goat to improve their self-image so they can become the Greatest of All Time Goat! The planet Mars, with Rahu, is transiting the domain of life associated with progeny and creativity. Check in with your children to see if they need a helping hand during this volatile alignment. Ups and downs in creativity will be experienced but is not a lasting trend.


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life associated with rest and repose. Your planet, Saturn, needs some downtime so Aquarius can downshift and rejuvenate. Just like there are times of increased activity - there are also times of increased repose. This is that time for the Water Bearer. Treat yourself to an exquisite at-home spa experience, and you will get your mojo back in no time. With Rahu, the planet Mars will be transiting the domain of life associated with home and family. This volatile alignment can create domestic uncertainty in your living circumstance. This is not a good time to pick up stakes and move. If possible, wait out the six weeks until this alignment passes to resolve home issues.


Those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Sarasvati Yoga, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will occur in the domain of life that is associated with your friends and community. This is an excellent time for the Fish to swim upward in search of new and inspiring friends to expand their social network. We all need to be inspired, and when that happens, we catch fire and inspire others. It is time for Pisces to soar with the eagles and no longer run with the turkeys! We all get by with a little help from our most inspiring friends and communities. The planet Mars, with Rahu, will be transiting the domain of life that is associated with siblings. This can be a difficult period for brothers and sisters, so make sure you check in to see if they need your time-tested compassion and assistance.

October, November, and December 2020 Forecast

As we come near to this year’s Presidential election the political contention is coming close to the kindling point.  This year also marks the closest approach of Mars to the earth in 15 years. 2020 is on track to be the hottest year on record. We are currently in an unprecedented “fire season” on so many fronts. 


Mars is currently transiting the constellation of Pisces, and true to his nature, is heating things up. Global warming effects are seen in this year’s record-breaking fire season in Colorado, California, and the US west coast.  Mars will gradually move away from the earth, but he will not station and stop in the heavens until the middle of November - so the heat is on well into November past the US elections.  Mars’ extreme heat will fuel whatever domain of life he presents himself in your chart - so be on guard with your trusty fire extinguisher to dampen rather than fan the flames of conflict. If it is not your argument, it is best not to engage. And if it is your argument, proceed cautiously with a fire-proof evacuation plan in the event of a record-breaking fire!  

November 3rd brings the US Presidential election during Mars’s perigee, and the voter turnout will also be record-breaking. Mars at perigee will ensure an electorate of highly charged voters.  Further, Mercury will stop in the heavens stationary direct on Election Day to end his retrograde cycle.  As I have explained in previous Star Trends columns, Mercury retrogrades are not necessarily negative - as it all depends on where and what planets Mercury is retrograding with.  Mercury is the fastest of the planets (with the exception of the Moon), as he circuits the Sun in just 89 days.  Therefore, when the fleet-footed messenger stops in the heavens - he only does this six times in a given year – this is the slippery time of concern when Mercury becomes frozen in place. We astrologers consider it best to avoid the day of, before and after his stationing for important decisions.  This Presidential election will be on the day Mercury freezes in the heavens - so expect the results of this US election to be one wild ride.


Everything seems to be politicized these days – from the weather to the pandemic - and astrology is no exception to this trend.  The tradition of Vedic astrology comes from a time of the Indian Raj, a time of the lineage of kings.  Kings are crowned, not elected, as succession is determined by bloodline - not by a popular vote.  Kings sponsored astrologers, as only they could afford the astronomical tools and observatories that their astrologers required to offer their heavenly council of the stars.  One of the most famous of the eastern astrologers was Varaha Mihira (circa 505 CE) whose reputation was historically cemented when he forecast the death of his King’s son. One of the most famous of the west was Danish astrologer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) whose sponsorship by the Danish King allowed him to build state of the art astronomical instruments and an observatory, the most accurate of the day.  His advancement of astronomy and astrology at the time was only rivaled by his assistant, Johannes Kepler, who later formulated the laws of planetary motion.

The point being that we astrologers were patronized by kings to guide the reign of kings - not to predict who would be elected King!  In recent years a virtual cottage industry has appeared where astrologers and the validity of astrology itself have been tested by predicting who will win elections. This practice was never the domain of Vedic astrology, and you will not find predicting elections in the classic texts. It is a fool’s errand to predict elections, for as we have seen in our complicated US electoral process from past elections, one candidate can win the popular vote and the other the electoral vote.  This ultimately makes all Presidential political predictions correct on either side of the aisle, making fools of us all.


As I have said in the past, and I will say it again - we will have the best democracy that money can buy until campaign finance reform removes big money from politics.  Once the next US President is elected, we astrologers will examine their chart to examine their four-year reign.

October 2020

The month of October starts with Mercury retrograding in the constellation of Libra on October 13th.  As previously stated, not all Mercury’s retrogrades are equally challenging.  The fleet of foot messenger Mercury does not appreciate a speed governor and likes less to stop and jog in place. We are cautious of the trends and the direction they are moving when he does stop in place.  If Mercury is spending that time with naturally benefic planets, that augurs well for positive trends. But when he spends that extra time with naturally malefic planets, that presents a more difficult time. This Mercury RX in Libra will be influenced by both a natural benefic and natural malefic during his retrograde cycle.​​

The natural benefic Venus will enter the constellation of Virgo on October 22nd and exchange constellations with Mercury in Libra, as they inhabit each other’s constellation.  Venus will join Mercury in Libra in November and not leave his association with Mercury until the 2nd week of December.  This is positive. However, remember this is the year of Mars’s perigee, his close approach to the earth.  You will not be surprised that Mars in Pisces will cast his aspect to Mercury all during his retrograde cycle heating Mercury to the melting point!  Mars’ influence on Mercury will not conclude until November 27th so be wary of this heatwave, for there is no respite until the very end of November. Even Venus’ flowers will wilt under such intense heat. 

So the heat is on and the relief of the cool shade will be sparse during Mars’ time with Mercury all during the retrograde cycle.  Be cautious as simple disagreements can turn contentious in a New York minute.  Conflicts and arguments will quickly escalate, and words will become weaponized for maximum effect.  Try to find the cool shade of those who are still rational, as this will be a balm to your over-heated nerves.  The days when Mercury stations in the heavens are best avoided for important decisions.  He stops and stations retrograde October 13th and again stops and stations direct on November 3rd.  These days and the days before and after are best to chill regarding important matters.  If you are doubled-down on essential decisions during those times you will be the one frozen in place. 

November 2020

The month of November features several notable celestial events.  As stated, Mercury will stop and station on the day of the presidential election, November 3rd. This critical election will be on a day that does not auger well for important decisions! This will trend to confusion, breakdowns in communication, and misunderstandings indicating the lack of a clear outcome on Election Day.  The results of the election will undoubtedly be delayed due to the pandemic and mail-in vote.  Mars by nature is not patient and the delayed results will only fuel the rage of those who are under his sway.  Mars will stop and station in the constellation of Pisces on November 13th when his heat will be in full display!  My recommendation is to vote early, before the day of the election, and engage in convivial, rather than political discussion during this time.  With climate change on the table, you will not even be able to talk about the weather, for as Mark Twain said: “Everyone talks about the weather - but nobody does anything about it!” Caution – reduced speed ahead is advised until very late in the month.  


Jupiter will leave his own constellation of Sagittarius on November 19th and enter the constellation of Capricorn.  As stated in a previous Star Trends, Jupiter entered the constellation of Capricorn in late March and remained there until the end of June 2020.  Capricorn is Jupiter’s weakest placement, as the greatest planet of light cannot shine brightly in the sign of the dark Winter Solstice.  Therefore Jupiter in Capricorn trends not toward growth but rather a time of repose.  Historically this transit is associated with economic downtowns, as the last time Jupiter entered Capricorn was December 2008 to December of 2009, resulting in The Great Recession.  Due to the extreme economic collapse from the pandemic, a recession was officially declared as we entered the 2nd quarter of 2020.

The most recent economic relief packages of 2020 have temporarily assuaged that declared recession. However, once Jupiter enters Capricorn again after the US election, his transit augurs historically for a global economic downturn.  I have never heard a politician declare a problem that they can’t take credit for solving.  Rather I have listened to politicians report a problem that someone else should be blamed for. So very few of them are speaking realistically about the economy.  Let us observe who gets blamed for the recession's resumption now that Jupiter again enters the fallow constellation of the Winter Solstice.

Mercury enters the constellation of Scorpio the day after Thanksgiving Day on the 27th and leaves the contention of Mars behind - for which we give thanks.  However, just as Mercury improves, we come to the first of two eclipses which will conclude the year.  Each year nominally features two series of eclipses resulting in four.  2020 is exceptional, as it will feature a total of six.  As you can see the results are not arithmetic, but rather exponential in effect in significant eclipse years.  This month ends with a partial lunar eclipse on November 30th at 14 degrees of the constellation of Taurus.  Feelings run high during lunar eclipses and this one is no exception. I recommend cultivating gratitude to navigate the shadows. We the people are grateful to all who are problem-solving during this time of pandemic, and not spreading fear. Thanks to all of you.  High feelings of gratitude will carry your day instead of kicking the proverbial hornet’s nest during the lunar eclipse.  You can get a lot more bees with grateful honey.     

DECember 2020









December 14th will feature the last eclipse of 2020, a total solar eclipse at 28 degrees of the constellation of Scorpio.  Total solar eclipses during the dark half of the year north of the equator only add to perceptions of gloom and doom.  Be on guard for darkening negative optics and those who espouse them during this time.  As the year runs down make sure you are not running down as well. In general dark, total eclipses are good for rest and therapeutic activities in the never-ending cycle of activity followed by rest, which all of nature is mirroring back to us during the nocturnal time of the year.

Venus remains in the constellation of Libra until the 12th of December.  During this time convivial Venus will assist us in preparation for the holiday season.  There are many ways to express our love and appreciation in this time of loss and uncertainty.   Trust is critical in times of uncertainty, as the world is full of fair-weather friends and self-promoters who churn uncertainty to their self-interest.  These people only stir fear and negativity.  Show your appreciation for those you love early this holiday season as Venus will move into Scorpio after the 12th and align with the storm planets Rahu and Ketu until the very end of the year.  This will be the first holiday season in over a hundred years in which the world will face a continuing global pandemic. 

The benchmark celestial event of the year is the Jupiter/Saturn alignment in the constellation of Capricorn.  They both will exactly align at 6 degrees of Capricorn on December 21st - the day of the Winter Solstice.  This alignment is a generational one, as it only occurs every twenty years.  This Jupiter/Saturn alignment heralds the beginning of a new twenty-year cycle.  As this conjunction is in Saturn’s own sign of Capricorn, Saturn will determine the effects of this new twenty-year cycle, as Capricorn being Jupiter’s weakest placement. The last time this alignment occurred in the constellation of Capricorn was in February of 1961 heralding the tumultuous sixties. It started with a contested Presidential election and the assassination of a US President in November of 1963 during a time of growing global turmoil. Each Jupiter/Saturn alignment represents a new phase of social dharma; consolidating your place and purpose in the world, relative to the domain of life that Capricorn represents in your chart.  Please read the personal forecasts for each of the constellations to see where the Jupiter/Saturn alignment occurs in your chart.


December concludes with Mars once again returning to his constellation of Aries on the 24th. Be prepared for him to charge up the domain of life that Aries represents in your chart for the conclusion of 2020. If you have respect for fire you are likely not to get burned.   December features a total solar eclipse on the 14th and the generation Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Saturn’s sign of Capricorn, and it concludes with malefic Mars in his sign of Aries. The potent malefic energy during this time is trending the year to end with a series of loud bangs rather than celebratory solstice parades of gratitude.  Do not let the malefic energy and the drumbeat of negativity ruin your holiday season. It is important to remember that once we reach the winter solstice north of the equator, the Sun begins his northern course - his time of increasing light.  Let this increasing light be the source of your certainty, and let this certainty be the rock bed of your trust and gratitude.  The returning light is the most fantastic holiday gift.

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14th – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet Mars will be in the domain of life associated with rest and repose so be careful not to experience burn-out in the coming month.  Pick your battles wisely.  The Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is taking place in the domain of life that is associated with your career.  If your job is purposeful and reflects your growing sense of self, you will forge forward with certainty during this uncertain time.  If not, and you are experiencing a lackluster sense of self and purpose, it is clear a new career trajectory is in order to invigorate the Ram’s sense of path and purpose.  Think carefully and review your career options as you do not have the luxury to be a dharma bum for the next twenty years.   


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the planet Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with your friends and sangha; the communities that share your truth.  Although this can be a favorable time to reach goals, watch out for arguments for those under the influence of Mars!  The Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is in the domain associated with educational and spiritual advancement.  Education has long been considered the fast track to economic success.  However, during this time, the Bull must focus their academic endeavors to ensure they are on a purposeful course of personal fulfillment following core values.  If not, then a new educational trajectory will begin during this time. 


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with your career.  This is an excellent placement of Mars as heat likes to rise, and this transit can lead to recognition and the fulfillment of vocational goals.  The Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is in the domain of life associated with financial obligations, legacies, and taxes.  It is crucial for mobile Gemini to mobilize a financial plan to meet the specter of increasing debt in light of the economic indicators. In this time of pandemic taxes will be more complicated, so meet with your financial advisor sooner than later. If you don’t have insurance, now is the time to explore or update what you need during these uncertain times.


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life that is associated with educational and spiritual advancement.  In this time of pandemic, education has taken a virtual manifestation that some favor and others do not.  If Mars favors this approach, you will know with certainty.  If not, it is time for an educational break or change of venue!  The Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is in the domain of life associated with partnerships and marriage.  In this time of social distancing - either distance is making your heart grow fonder, or your heart growing cold.  Either your significant partnerships are in alignment with your path or not.  There is no middle ground.  If your relationship trajectory reflects your way and purpose, you will be fine; if not, it is time for a change.


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with debt, taxes, and legacies. It is crucial for the Lion to get their financial affairs in order during this time of roaring change, and the sooner this is done, the quicker the Big Cat can get down to business. Sooner, not later, is the indication with Mars strong. The Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is in the domain of life associated with health and hygiene.  If the Big Cat has become a Bigger Cat regarding exercise and diet, this planetary alignment can allow you to forge a new healthy regimen to lose some of those pandemic pounds.  Dietary and health regimens begun now can positively improve your quality of life in the long run. 


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with partnership and marriage.  If your relationships are passionate and positive Mars’ presence here will fan the flames of felicity. If you are tending to augmentation, be careful as combustion will be close to the surface, and your romantic dreams or significant relationships can suddenly go up in smoke. The Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is taking place in the part of your chart associated with progeny and creativity.  In this time of pandemic, develop a strategy to spend quality time with your children. Ensure they have everything they need to navigate uncertain and stressful periods such as this.  The skills they develop now with your help will serve them for years to come. 


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with health and hygiene.  This is an excellent placement for Mars if you are motivated to change your lifestyle.  A thousand miles begins with a step - or rather with Mars - a leap in a new direction.  This can be that time for Libra.  The Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is in the domain of life associated with home and family.  If the area or neighborhood in which you live is firm and foundational for your growing family needs, this planetary alignment will allow you to become more rooted there in the long run.  If where you live has been rocked by unprecedented change and uncertainty, then this may be the time you pull up stakes and look for greener pastures.  


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet Mars will be transiting the domain of life associated with your progeny and creativity.  This is an excellent placement for Martians to be advocates for their children. In this time of pandemic, keep them extra close and let them know they are priceless!  Scorpio needs to plan out energizing and goal-oriented activities for their progeny to help them shake off the quarantine holiday blues.  The Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is in the domain of life associated with camaraderie, siblings, and the arts. Artistic and creative endeavors will bring much joy to Scorpio during this time. If you have lost touch with siblings now is the time to revitalize those connections for the long run.   


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with home and family.  If you love your digs you are going to dig in during this period of time.  As the heat of Mars expands everything under its influence this can trend to be a positive time to enlarge or upgrade your home.  However, as always with Mars, it’s either love it or leave it.  If you don’t dig your digs you will be moving on. The Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is in the domain of life associated with the Archer’s domesticity and finances.  Now is the purposeful time to start a comprehensive saving plan. This will not only provide you with the proverbial rainy day fund but will serve you for the decades to come. 


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein,  Mars will be transiting the domain of life that is associated with your comrades, siblings, and the arts.  This can be an inspiring position to connect with your siblings and homies in energizing artistic or competitive activities. This trends to be a favorable time to get in shape and lose those pandemic blues.  Just don’t let that competitive spirit get out of hand, as arguments will certainly erupt under the Mars influence.  The Jupiter/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is in the domain of life associated with you.  The sure-footed Goat needs peace and certainty in their long-range planning.  Perhaps it is a good time to meet with an actuary, making sure those plans are still on track, and set up to pay the dividends down the road that you expect.

July, August and September 2020 Forecast

As we enter the month of July, the US will experience a lunar eclipse late in the evening on the west coast of the US and in the early hours of the morning on the east coast. This partial lunar eclipse is at 19 degrees Sagittarius opposite the Sun at 19 degrees Gemini in the US birth chart. Eclipses come in two categories. Solar eclipses occur when the Moon is new, casting a shadow upon the earth. Lunar eclipses occur when the Moon is full, and it is the earth casting a shadow upon the Moon.  


Eclipses are powerful forecasting tools in Vedic astrology, as obviously something is being cast into total or partial darkness. Solar eclipses are more powerful as the light of the Sun is diminished for the areas on the earth the eclipse pattern follows. In the case of lunar eclipses, it is the Moon that is being cast into total or partial darkness. The light of the Moon represents the light of consciousness. Having no light of its own, it reflects the light of the Sun most luminously during the full Moon.  


A solar eclipse on the nation’s birthday is falling on the Sun of the chart of that nation, casting into total or partial darkness the very light of the nation’s identity for the six months that the eclipse is active. A lunar eclipse on the birthday of a country is very different. It falls opposite the Sun of that nation, casting into total or partial darkness the very light of consciousness of that nation for the six months the eclipse is active.


This lunar eclipse on the birthday of the USA is a partial, not a total lunar eclipse. To be sure feelings will run high this 4th of July and for the coming months ahead as this is a US election year. The word “lunatic” in common parlance references those who are overly influenced by the full moon, and that becomes more amplified during a partial or total lunar eclipse.

Further, not only is there a partial lunar eclipse on the nation's birthday but the sitting President of the United States, Donald Trump, was born during a total lunar eclipse. This may explain to many the polarizing opinions and policies of this President. However, the combination of the two will tend to make this election year more polarizing and extreme than usual. Besides, the uncertainly of the Covid-19 pandemic will further cast a shadow of a doubt on this year’s electoral process. If you cannot imagine more polarization, then congratulations - you are not a “lunatic.” However, I will assure you there are persons on both sides of the political aisle whose extreme lunacy would surpass your wildest dreams. Stay tuned for the wild ride of this year’s US elections come this November!


Eclipses aside - as a father to four daughters - in my opinion, the highlight of this summer is the centennial of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.  On August 26th1920, after a long-fought battle - women were granted the right to vote.  

Activists in the women’s rights movement, such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, to name a few, did not live long enough to see that fateful day back on August 26th, 1920. Although the women of our country have come a long way in a hundred years, they certainly have further to go in achieving their dreams of equality.  


The 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment is the story of this summer of 2020.  In honor of the Suffrage Centennial, you will be witness to many encouraging events celebrating equal rights in a time when so many have been trampled.  Inclusive, equal rights for all regardless of sex, race, creed, or religion will be the calling card of all progressives.  This striving can be a potent counterpoint and balance to the extremists and extremism of our times.  As the saying goes, centennials only happen every 100 years.  They are special events.  Perhaps, in honoring the centenary of women’s suffrage, the Democratic Party may well choose a female running mate.  How fitting in the long-fought battle that women can vote for a woman VP in the centennial year of their right to vote.  After all, the Statue of Liberty is a woman.

National Women's Party demonstration in
July 2020


The month commences with Jupiter retrograding back into his own constellation of Sagittarius.  As stated in my last Star Trends, Jupiter entered the constellation of Capricorn in late March and remained there until the end of June.  Capricorn is Jupiter’s weakest placement, for the most fabulous planet of light cannot shine brightly in the sign of the Winter Solstice. Therefore it is not a time of growth but rather a time of repose.  Historically it is associated with economic downturns. The last time Jupiter entered Capricorn was December 2008 to December of 2009 - resulting in The Great Recession.  Sure enough, due to the extreme economic collapse caused by the pandemic, we have now entered an officially declared recession.


Now that Jupiter has come back to his own sign, there are indicators the economy is starting to pick up and starting to reopen.  However, that all depends upon the pandemic.  That growth is uncertain as new cases of Covid-19 have escalated upon opening.  Enjoy Jupiter’s return to Sagittarius as he will shine his light brightly again until he moves back into Capricorn later in November.   Whatever domain of life Sagittarius occupies in your chart will benefit from Jupiter’s return to his sign, as revealed in the forecast for each of the constellations. 

Venus remains in his own constellation of Taurus, which he will tenant until the end of the month.  The urge to connect will increase while Venus is strong in light of the social distancing we all have experienced due to the pandemic.  The domain of life that Taurus is associated with in your chart will taste the sweet fruits of this transit. Take time to reconnect with friends and loved ones as presence - not absence - will make the heart grow stronger.

Lastly, Mercury will stop his retrogression and start to move forward in the constellation of Gemini on July 12th.  As said in my previous Star Trends, this is one tough Mercury Rx as he has been in association with the naturally malefic planets (Rahu and Ketu) that cause eclipses.  Further, Mercury will be closely in aspect by malefic Mars all during July.  As Mercury is a planet of business and finance, expect volatility and uncertainty in these matters to continue through July.  Gratefully Mercury will come opposite benefic Jupiter towards the end of this month, but the month trends to be a roller-coaster for the affairs of the planet of trade and commerce.  Do not make rash or reactive decisions during this time. Patterns that emerge will not be able to sustain or go in the direction you think they are going. 

August 2020


Venus leaves his constellation of Taurus and enters Gemini on August 1st.  He will remain in Gemini for the whole month of August.  The shadow planets that cause eclipses, Rahu and Ketu, are currently in Gemini and the opposite sign of Sagittarius.  Diplomatic and genial Venus will become stressed by the storm planets and start to lose his convivial charm. When Venus gets afflicted, he becomes less trusting of others.  He ends up wearing his least favorite T-shirt, which sadly proclaims: “I used to be a people person, but people ruined that for me.”  Venus in Gemini will want to take a step back - a time out - during this time of challenge.  As Venus gains some distance on the shadow planets, he comes opposite Jupiter in Sagittarius during the last week of August and his spirits will be lifted. 

In addition to Venus, Mercury also changes constellations on August 1st.  He enters the constellation of Cancer on the 1st and remains therein until mid-month.  Mercury will leave behind the grasp of the shadow planets, and Mars as well during this time.  Mercury in Cancer will be transiting opposite Saturn in his own sign of Capricorn.  Mercury and Saturn do well together but err on the side of caution rather than optimism.  This will be a more realistic time to look back at the volatility of the last couple of months and take stock of what has happened.  Mercury will enter the sign of Leo on the 16th, where he will remain until the month’s end.  Here he will benefit from the aspect of Jupiter gaining a more optimistic outlook than earlier in the month.  Overall, August is a better time for the fleet-footed messenger. 

Every two years, Mars comes close to the earth.  In this time of Climate Change, this has come to represent a scorching year.  Mars came to perigee two years ago in 2018 in his close approach to the earth, in his most potent sign of exaltation in Capricorn. This was one of the hottest years on record.  With Mars coming to perigee, this year is already on track to become one of, if not the warmest since statistics have been kept. Mars will enter his own constellation of Aries on August 16th.  He will remain in his constellation until the first week of October where he will retrograde back in the sign of Pisces. As this is summer north of the equator, expect record temperatures and the risk of fire in drought areas, and the threat of extreme storms caused by the heat produced with Mars at perigee.  Check your local weather reports when traveling.  Just like your garden, it will be essential to stay hydrated during the dog days of August. In addition to the dog days, keep clear of the dogs of war that the heat of Mars will in kind encourage.  

Thankfully while in Aries, Mars will be under the aspect of brilliant Jupiter from the constellation of Sagittarius.  In the mythology of India, Mars and Jupiter are brothers.  Mars is the brawn and Jupiter the brains of the two. Under Jupiter’s aspect, the drive and heat of Mars can be channeled into grand and great efforts.  There may be a cause or endeavor that intensely interests you during this time.  You will find you are head-strong and have the drive to fully embrace this endeavor during this time.  Mars and Jupiter in aspect crave social justice and advocacy for the just causes they embrace. Mars will certainly provide you with a strong spirit while in Aries. However, brawn and courage are not enough.  You also need a plan and a grand strategy, and that is what Jupiter represents. Your martial project will only succeed if it is part of a grand strategy working in concert with others. This is not a time for individual heroics. 

September 2020











Venus will change constellations on September 1st when he enters Cancer. During this time, convivial Venus will come opposite his great friend Saturn in Capricorn. Venus/Saturn combinations bring out the all-too-familiar human trust issues. Developing trust is critical in times of uncertainty, as the world is full of fair-weather friends and lobbyists who churn uncertainty to their self-interest. These people only stir up fear, the negative aspect of Saturn, for their benefit - not the benefit of others.


While Venus is opposite Saturn, be vigilant for fear-mongering people to emerge. The best strategy to engage them is the proverbial game of “whack a mole,” so they will not ruin your well-cultivated garden of increasing certainty. This month be on the look-out for those friends and associates who have had the same certainty in both fair and foul weather. These are the people who will be there with you when you cross the finish line.


Mars will retrograde in his own sign of Aries on August 16th. Retrograde planets are close to the earth and, therefore, more powerful as they move slowly and deliberately. During the last half of September, Mars will heat up his own constellation. Whatever domain of life Aries represents in your chart will feel the burn.If you have respect for fire you will not have a problem with Mars. If you do not respect fire, be prepared for the consequences of combustion. This will be revealed by the domain of life that Aries is associated with, as you will read in the forecast for each of constellations.


Lastly, the shadow and storm planets that cause eclipses finally leave the constellations of Gemini and Sagittarius, where they have been this past year and a half. Rahu will now tenant the sign of Taurus and Ketu in the sign of Scorpio, as these signs will experience the eclipse patterns in the coming eighteen months.  

Image by Tonik

On September 1st Mercury will enter his own constellation of Virgo where he will remain until September 22nd. While Mercury is strong it will be an excellent time to make important decisions and to reflect on how the volatile changes of the past months have influenced your financial outlook. As we arrive at the end of the 3rd quarter of 2020 with Mercury strong, we will all have a clearer picture on how the pandemic of 2020 has influenced business and the overall economy. Trends that emerge will be a bellwether to lead the way in these times of uncertainty.  Whatever domain of life Mercury rules in your chart will benefit from his sound judgment during this time.  

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14th – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet Mars will be in the domain of life associated with you from mid-August. Mars here will reinvigorate the Ram’s spirit. This is the time to follow your bliss in reaching your goals. Mars will be under the aspect of Jupiter in Sagittarius, which is transiting the domain of life associated with higher education, as well as your teachers and gurus.  Aries can benefit from continuing education so check in with gifted advisors and teachers in developing and implementing strategies to reach important life goals. Jupiter likes to travel for the sake of knowledge, but in the time of pandemic, there are wonderful places you can go virtually to expand your horizons without leaving your home.   


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the planet Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with rest and repose from mid-August. The Bull has been in overwork mode since Saturn entered Capricorn. This summer can be a time of rejuvenation, for when the going gets tough - the tough go on vacation. The determined Bull needs to slow down and exercise some self-care, which will lift his spirits. Mars will be under aspect from Jupiter in Sagittarius, who is transiting the domain of life associated with legacies and taxes. Perhaps it is a bullish time to consult with a tax planner to develop a plan to shelter some of your hard-earned income so you will not have to work as hard in the foreseeable future. Be Bullish on saving money. 


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with your friends and life goals from mid-August. Examine your friends carefully during this time, for we all get by with a little help from our friends. Good ones with similar life goals can assist you greatly in achieving your aspirations. Mars will be under the aspect of Jupiter in Sagittarius, who is transiting the domain of life that is associated with partnership and marriage.  Gemini has had the trials of the eclipses this past year, and now that Jupiter has moved, that special relationship or connection will start to grow under Jupiter’s favorable light. Things are looking up for mobile Gemini when it comes to friends and romance.  


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life that is associated with your career and profession and is incredibly strong during this time from mid-August forward. If your job has an upward trajectory, now is the time to rise. If you are at an impasse - now is the time for a change. The Crab needs to be deliberate and determined in career aspirations with Mars strong. Jupiter is transiting the domain of life that is associated with your health and hygiene. Good health and work habits go a long way in not only helping us reach your career goals but in maintaining them once you have reached the summit. Yes, the Crab must look forward, but it is equally essential to look upward as well.


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with education, teachers, and advisors from mid-August forward. Mars will favor advanced educational endeavors and collaboration with gifted teachers and advisors. Travel is only recommended related to educational efforts and with safety first and foremost in this time of the pandemic. Jupiter is in aspect to Mars from the domain of life associated with progeny and creativity. This is an excellent time to focus on the Big Cat’s children, making sure they have all they need to succeed during these difficult times. When the Lion has great and inspiring teachers and advisors, getting the creative juices flowing is effortless.


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with legacies and debt from mid-August forward. Virgo may wish to take stock of their financial situation and make sure they are living within their means. This is a great time to come up with a debt management plan so your future does not feel financially encumbered. Jupiter is in aspect to Mars from the domain of life associated with home and family. This is a favorable time for Virgo to address home and shelter. Be sure it provides the serenity and security you need to succeed in all you do. If you are on solid ground here, you are fine; if not, then perhaps now is the time to move, or make changes in your domesticity to secure a more reliable foundation.


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with your partnerships and relationship from mid-August forward. Mars can be controlling and domineering, and if that is the case, you may wish to cool your relationship jets during this time. If your partner is attentive and considerate, then the scales will shift in the direction of increasing passion and commitment for Libra. Jupiter will be in aspect to Mars from the domain of life associated with your comrades and siblings. This time favors a strong sense of connectivity with other like-minded and like motivated people for Libra. Your voice will be much more influential in concert with other strong voices that see things your way.


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet Mars will be transiting the domain of life associated with your health and hygiene from mid-August forward. Your planet Mars in his own sign will inspire you to make changes in your daily habits, from diet to exercise to improve your health and stamina. This is a very favorable position for Scorpio. Jupiter will be in aspect to Mars transiting in the domain of life that is associated with domesticity, food, and finance. With Jupiter here in his own sign, increases in income are favored and this can positively influence domesticity, as well as a more balanced and nutritious diet to handle stress. Mars and Jupiter trend very positive for Scorpio this summer. 


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life associated with progeny and creativity from mid-August forward. Mars here will assist you in channeling your children’s energy into constructive projects releasing all that pent up energy.  The Archer will start to feel more on target with his creative energy due to Mars’ influence. Jupiter in Sagittarius will be in aspect to Mars from the domain of life that is associated with the Archer himself. Sagittarius will find their optimism returning, and this will serve you during this time, as it is so more aligned with your true nature. Your planet Jupiter is back where it belongs in Sagittarius - so a celebration is in order for the Archer. 


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars will be transiting the domain of life that is associated with your home and domesticity from mid-August onward.  The solitary Goat needs peace and tranquility in their home. If this is not the case during Mars’ transit, you will certainly take measures to ensure this. You may decide to move and perhaps live by yourself if all else fails.  Maintaining the balance between work and home life is critical for the sure-footed Goat.  Jupiter will be in aspect to Mars from the domain of life that is associated with rest and repose.  Jupiter will support Mars so that the Goat can find refuge and respite from a demanding world.  You will have to work at learning the art of relaxation.


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars will be transiting the domain of life associated with comrades and siblings from mid-August forward.  Brothers and sisters in loving arms with similar goals and ideals will greatly assist Aquarius during this time.  Remember, we are all in this together, and you are not going it alone in your struggles.  Jupiter is in aspect to Mars from the domain of life that is associated with your friends and Sangha.  You can only go so far for so long all by yourself. It has been said before, but you must realize it takes a village.  Aquarius has some incredibly remarkable and able people in close proximity - as represented by Mars and Jupiter in their signs- you just need to reach out, and they will be the wind beneath your wings.  


Those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars is transiting the domain of life that is associated with domesticity and finances. This is an excellent time to meet with an advisor and make essential changes to your financial goals, which will be of immediate help to Pisces. Mars is an excellent asset to you during this transit, for he can give you the economic lift that can improve your quality of life. Your planet Jupiter is in aspect to Mars from the domain of life that is associated with your career and reputation. Jupiter here favors advancement in career. He is a knowledge-based planet, and these types of professions traditionally pay more. Pisces needs to focus on career and swim upstream in search of increased financial rewards.  

April, May and June 2020

As we enter April of 2020, there is a crisis cloud of uncertainty hovering over the global economy.  The extreme downward volatility of Wall Street and global economic indicators in response to the Corona Virus has cast a shadow of doubt on the global outlook for the year.   Nations all over the world are declaring national emergencies now that the World Health Organization has declared the virus a global pandemic. Their response to the escalating crises will have far reaching and unexpected consequences to the health of local and national economies.  In addition the specter of extreme climate change and its contributing impact to the global economic picture are front and center. The impeachment of a US President, the third in the history has left a shadow of a doubt in regards to confidence in leadership. These are all contributing factors that are dampening consumer spending which is the primary driver of the US economy.   We must ask ourselves what lies at the root of our present global uncertainty where world markets turn suddenly on unpredictable events in the 24/7 world of non-stop media onslaught.  Have we once again entered the “roaring twenties,” a time of extraordinary and unprecedented change?



In answering that question, I will reprise a past Star Trends tribute to the works and words of futurist Alvin Toffler, who passed away in 2016 at the age of 87. Toffler was a well-known Futurist whose best-selling trilogy started with “Future Shock,” published in 1970.  The trilogy was completed with the publication of “The Third Wave” in 1980, and lastly, “Powershift” in 1990.  As a social scientist, Toffler’s hypothesized that the emerging triad of science, communications, and capital was synergistically creating a rapidly changing society with no known precedent or historical reference point.  Toffler coined the term “information overload” in describing the deluge of information that the digital and communications revolution explosion provided. This “roaring current of change” was overwhelming - personally, socially, and institutionally - creating what he called “confusional breakdown.” 


His warnings about the consequences of extreme change were extremely accurate.  He accurately predicted the development of the Internet, personal computers, telecommuting as well as genetic cloning.  He foresaw that governments, institutions, and societies that failed to embrace the increasingly rapid rate of change would face a catastrophic demise or worse extinction.   He was among the first wave of early thinkers to fully comprehend that knowledge would succeed labor and natural resources to become the most valued of all commodities.


Therefore are we surprised when sudden change - no matter what the source, quickly imparts “confusional breakdown,” resulting in increased security anxiety for all? This resulting anxiety is nothing more than a swift response to the immediate stress of change.   Rapid change has been and is now part of everyday existence. Like it or not, we have come to accept this change, and accompanying anxiety, even though we may not comprehend at first its immediate impact, trajectory or outcome.  Toffler suggested it was more important to understand the general theme of sudden change than the specifics of the change.  He explained: “the rate of change has implications quite apart from, and sometimes more important than, the direction of change.”  Change is the only constant, and we all implicitly accept that, but not necessarily the speed and accompanying stress that accelerated change brings.


We astrologers, like Toffler, are ancient map-makers.  As he eloquently expressed: “We who explore the future are like ancient map-makers, and it is in this spirit that the concept of future shock and the theory of the adaptive range are presented here – not as the final word, but as the first approximation of the new realities, filled with danger and promise, created by the accelerative thrust.”  In the ancient stellar map that we astrologers use, the planet of accelerative thrust and sudden change is Mars.  When Mars is strong and active, the accelerative push of change comes suddenly upon us. Toffler’s book could well have been entitled “Future Anxiety,” for that is the consequence we all experience in the face of accelerated change. The remedy for this sudden volatility created by Mars is the opposite constant of stability. We must possess it to some degree, to be able to balance change without fear.


If Mars represents accelerated change in our stellar map, then his opposite and reconciling force is the planet Saturn, representing stability, constants we trust implicitly. You must ask yourselves during these times of volatile and violent change, where is that constant in your lives?  It is from that unshakeable platform that Saturn represents where you can face the sudden change that Mars brings fearlessly.


2020 will be a remarkable year as Mars will become exceedingly strong as he transits close to the earth in his own constellation of Aries later in the year. In contrast, this is also the year where Saturn is exceedingly strong, as he is traveling through his own constellation of Capricorn throughout all of 2020.  The placement of the planet Saturn in your chart is the key to how you can mitigate the fear of “confusional breakdown.”   Let Saturn in Capricorn be your rock of conviction and certainty.  It is from his fortress in Capricorn that you can counter the stress of Mars’ “roaring current of change” in the new roaring twenties! 

saturn and capricorn.jpg
April 2020


The month starts with Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn all in Saturn’s constellation of Capricorn.  Capricorn is the sign in which Mars reaches exaltation - his most potent expression.  As is his nature, Mars will trend to volatility but will be thwarted in his most unstable manifestation by the presence and alignment with Saturn during this time.  Mars is best in Capricorn when his powerful energy is focused and goal-oriented, not dispersed and amorphous creating anxiety.  Saturn placed alongside will assure Mars’ strength will be productively focused.   In the domain of life associated with the sign of Capricorn, this is the time to set your goals and plan reasonable timelines in which to achieve them.



Jupiter enters the constellation of Capricorn on March 29, where he will remain for approximately three months during this brief sojourn.  Capricorn represents the dark part of the year where the light is fading, heralding a time of rest and repose.  In that regard, the sign of Capricorn is Jupiter’s weakest placement, as there is not enough light to bring forth the fruits of Jupiter’s generosity.  The increasing cycle of light, as represented by the constellation of Cancer and the summer solstice, is the time when Jupiter’s bounty can come to full bloom.  Capricorn represents the decreasing light of the winter solstice, which does not have enough light to bring forth growth.  Jupiter’s brief sojourn into Capricorn will continue to sow the seeds of economic uncertainty and the fears of a possible recession, exacerbated by the global pandemic.  After all, that which goes up must come down. However, you will rarely hear of a declared recession during an election year, only after the fact when everyone knows it has already happened!  This is what happened at the end of 2008 right after the US elections when Jupiter entered Capricorn at year’s end. However, the economic decline had already started much earlier.

Venus enters his own constellation of Taurus on March 28, where he will remain for just over four months as this the time when he comes close to the earth. Typically Venus remains in a constellation for about three weeks; however, when close to the earth, he extends his stay exponentially.  The planets that best reflect the spectrum of light in the night sky are of the Brahmin caste in Indian astrology.  These planets are Jupiter and Venus, and they represent those who are knowledgeable and educated.  Venus is more social and sophisticated, drawn to natural beauty and the arts that inspire humanity.   Venus will get to shine his light in his own constellation for an extended period, so the domain of life that Taurus is associated with in your chart will taste the sweet fruits of his sojourn.  This is an excellent time to reconnect with friends and loved ones as presence, not absence will make all our heart grow stronger. Gradually, as the global pandemic subsides we will all have the opportunity to abandon social distancing and embrace each other more meaningfully. In the meantime we all get by with a little help.

May 2020


Mars will reach his exact exaltation on May 2nd.   At exaltation, he represents the dynamics of “roaring change” and “accelerative thrust,” of which Toffler warned.  At the last degrees of Capricorn, Mars will be moving beyond the grasp of Saturn, who is slowly separating from Mars in the early degrees of Capricorn.  Saturn, at one end of Capricorn, represents the slow rate of change we call stability. In contrast, Mars, at the other end of Capricorn, embodies the rapid pace of change we call volatility - bringing these antithetical principles into direct conflict.  These opposing energies explain why people are feeling profoundly ambivalent and conflicted about embracing the rapidly emerging change of our times, or staying with the seeming secure establishment.  Regardless of your sign, we will all feel better once this planetary alignment has played out.  The tension between Saturn and Mars will slowly abate after May 4 when Mars leaves the sign of Capricorn and enters the constellation of Aquarius.  Keep on task and remain goal-oriented during Mars’ exaltation and do not give in to fear and chaos.


The month of May will feature the benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, as well as Saturn all retrograding in the middle of the month.  Planets retrograde as they come close to the earth, which is opposite the Sun.  When planets come close to the earth, they appear brighter in the heavens due to their proximity.  The slower a planet moves, the more influential the planet becomes. This is more so when planets appear to stop in the heavens and change direction – that is when they are extremely powerful.   Saturn will stop and retrograde in the constellation of Capricorn on the 10th of May. Venus will stop in the heavens and retrograde in Taurus on the 13th and Jupiter will stop in the heavens on the very next day, retrograding in the constellation of Capricorn on May 14!


With so many planets stopping and retrograding in the middle of the month, you will likely feel a surge of energy related to the domains of life that Taurus and Capricorn represent in your charts - especially since both Venus and Saturn are retrograding in their own signs.  The retrograding and presence of the brightest planets in the heavens, Venus and Jupiter, close to earth during the bright part of the year, is especially auspicious for the affairs of Taurus and Capricorn.  This becomes more so for Taurus as Mercury enters Taurus on May 8 and aligns precisely with Venus later on the 22nd of the month.

Venus and Mercury are best friends in Vedic astrology as they are both never far from the Sun.  When Mercury aligns or is in aspect to Venus and Jupiter, their collective light lifts him to the abode of the heavens.  Mercury will transit the constellation of Taurus from the 7th to the 24th of the month.  All during this time, he will be aligned with Venus and benefit from Jupiter’s aspect.  This is an excellent time for educational, as well as artistic and spiritual pursuits.  The planets of light together can lift Mercury into a more spiritual abode, devoid of the economic and political vitriolic of our time. Take full advantage of this beneficent period to lift your consciousness to a more peaceful above which will calm your uncertainties and fears.  You can be the calm change you wish to see in the world and the effect upon others can be profound in this time of chaos.


You do not have to let the content and agendas of the global media and their information outlets determine your reality.  What is important to them may not be to you personally.  Why not take a media break from the ongoing diatribe during this time?  Perhaps go on a media holiday. Enjoy the alignment of Mercury with the benefic planets, rather than the darkened domains of the storm and malefic planets.  The difference can be life-affirming.

June 2020


The month of June begins with a lunar eclipse on the 5th at 21 degrees of Scorpio.  A partial solar eclipse will follow it on June 20th at 5 degrees of Gemini.  Later in the month, Mercury will retrograde in the constellation of Gemini on the 17th. Months that feature eclipses tend to be more intensive and volatile, as the eclipses represent celestial storm patterns.  Additionally Mercury will be retrograding in the constellation of Gemini, where the solar eclipse on the 20th of the month will occur. During these celestial storm patterns in the second half of the month, my suggestion is to watch and witness the ensuing change as calmly and detached as possible.  Observe the volatility this month without falling into a pattern of reactive decision making.


Although partial eclipses are not as powerful as total eclipses, the point to remember during eclipses is that something is being cast into shadow, which can distort your perspective. As the saying goes, it will cast a shadow of a doubt.  Whatever domain of life Gemini represents in your natal chart, it will be experiencing a celestial revision.  Once some distance on the eclipse has been achieved, the ramifications and results will become clearer to access.

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There is a great deal of collective lore on Mercury retrogrades being a challenging time to make critical decisions.  Often Mercury Rx is scapegoated for a host of maladies that are not of his making.  The truth of the matter is this - it all depends on the constellation and the planets associated with Mercury during his retrograde period.  During his retrograde cycle, Mercury will remain in a constellation for approximately two months, rather than his usual two-week sojourn.  Experience has shown it is usually best to avoid the day before, the day of, and the day after Mercury stops in the heavens to make important decisions. The times when Mercury retrogrades and spends two months with the naturally benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, especially in benefic constellations, the results trend positive.  The times when Mercury retrogrades with the naturally malefic planets Mars and Saturn - especially in the malefic constellations, the results trend negative. When Mercury retrogrades with Rahu and Ketu, the planets that cause eclipses, those times trend more unpredictable and chaotic.

This Mercury retrograde will be in Gemini, where the solar eclipse of June 20 will occur.  The eclipse planets Rahu and Ketu are transiting Gemini and Sagittarius respectively and are in alignment with this Mercury retrograde period.  This implies this Mercury retrograde is trending more volatile and negative for important decisions that are associated with the domain of life that Gemini is associated with.  Further, the naturally malefic planet Mars will enter Pisces on June 18 and cast his glance upon Mercury until August 1, raising this Mercury to trend more negative to volatility and confusion.  Stay calm and keep cool during this ballistic period for uncertainty and misinformation will abound.   There will be lots of time to look back after the fact - and you will be glad you did not give in to a pattern of reactive decision making. 

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14th – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet Mars will be in alignment with Saturn in Capricorn until the first week of May transiting the domain of life that is associated with your career.  Remain focused on career goals during this time, and you will succeed in overcoming obstacles.  Rome was not built in a day.  Fortress Saturn in Capricorn is the domain of life associated with your vocation, and his rock of certainty is your professional reputation.  Your dedication and high standards will win the day, and each succeeding day for Saturn is your righteous flag bearer.  Venus in Taurus in the domain of life associated with food and finance will sustain you with culinary treats and cash to support you and relieve the stress from work.  


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein,  Saturn and Mars are transiting the domain of life associated with education, travel and spiritual pursuits.  This is an excellent time to embrace an advanced educational degree or certification to fulfill long-range goals.  Serious travel, only related to career and education, is favored, not general travel for fun and pleasure, as this is not that time- nor is it Saturn’s interest.  The Bulls love of learning and spiritual path are his rock of certainty.  Your planet Venus is transiting the domain of life associated with you, so no need to be a work recluse during this time.  The Bull needs close relationships to connect with others so he can continue to plow both the fertile fields and work and play in the pursuit of happiness. 


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn and Mars are transiting the domain of life associated with legacies, taxes, and debt.  This is an excellent time to embrace a financial audit of your income and expenses so you can develop a rock hard financial plan that will eliminate or reduce debt and increase your self-worth.  Along with a debt management plan, it will also be essential to create a tax strategy plan, so you are getting the best of both worlds.  It may be daunting to see your self-worth in dollars and cents, but from this financial rock bed, you can begin your ascent to your economic summit like the sure-footed goat that is the symbol for Capricorn - one step at a time.  The summit will be in view sooner than later. 


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein,  Saturn and Mars are transiting the domain of life that is associated with marriage and partnership. When Saturn, the most realistic of the planets, transits the most romantic part of the chart, he will indeed challenge any Pollyanna perceptions you have about your marriage and partnerships. If your relationship has successfully weathered difficult times in the past, you can be assured it is a fortress that has and will withstand the stress of time.  If not, then you will need to be on alert for cracks in the rock bed and gradually mend them as they appear, lest they become fissures.  If you are on a solid rock bed in partnership, any difficulties will confirm that. 


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th - September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn and Mars are transiting the domain of life associated with health and hygiene. This is an excellent period for the Regal Lion to embrace a lifestyle shift, with a long term focus on gradual, not dramatic improvement over time.  Perhaps you have looked in the mirror and do not recognize the Regal Lion, but rather see the Big Cat, who is now the Bigger Cat.  Not to worry - be a Cool Cat and realize your transformation did not happen overnight.  Diligence on a gradual lifestyle shift will shed those pounds, and in time you will start to recognize the Svelte Cat.  Rome was not built in a day.  Time can be your friend - not your enemy. This is the time to reclaim your Lion’s pride.


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn and Mars are transiting the domain of life associated with your creativity and progeny.  This is an excellent time to focus on your children’s needs and goals. It is a dog-eat-dog competitive world out there, so this is the time to build your child’s self-esteem by setting realistic goals to grow their worldly confidence one step at a time, just like the sure-footed goat.  Creative energy is favored, but only if you can harness that creativity by applying it to realistic objectives.  The world is full of talented people who have not realized their dreams, for they did not develop the virtues of hard work and persistence.  Hard work and perspiration is the rock bed of success.


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn and Mars are transiting the domain of life associated with home and family.  This is an excellent time to make long-range plans to live in an area or neighborhood that will support your age-appropriate life goals.  The place where you live is the rock bed of your existence, as that environment impacts your consciousness every day.  Now is the time to ask yourself, is the community you live in for the short run or the long run?  Once you realize this, the necessary steps you will need to take will become self-evident.  Saturn favors older, historic neighborhoods where change occurs more slowly, less dramatically.  Your planet Venus is transiting close to the earth, so don’t forget to engage in the pursuit of happiness during this time.


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet Mars, with Saturn, is transiting the domain of life associated with siblings, camaraderie and the arts.   This is an excellent time to develop mastery in whatever art form inspires you.  Mastery takes time, and Saturn will give you that time if you are serious.  There are many fair-weather comrades, who up and leave when the celestial weather changes.  However, you have been through foul celestial weather before and know the difference between those people.  Connectivity and dependability with tested and proven people will carry you far in overcoming obstacles during this time. It takes a proven village.  Relationship shines for Scorpio with Venus in Taurus.


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars and Saturn are transiting the domain of life associated with finances and domesticity. This can be a challenging placement, but only if you are in denial about your financial health and living beyond your means.  Yes, the adage “no money-no honey” rings true – but “less is more” will carry the day.  Get a grip on your financial health with a seasoned financial advisor who has been around the block a couple of times.  Gradually you will come out of the red into the preferable black – which is Saturn’s color – and you will be glad you did. The strength of a person is not in what they can do, but rather in what they can do without.   Happiness is a state of existence not dependent on stuff.


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars and your planet Saturn are in your domain.   You display unrelenting dedication and sure-footedness towards reaching your goals. This will pay dividends during this time.  No need to get caught up in the current volatility, instead stay the determined course you have set for yourself.  If you are trusted and respected, this will be your time to shine.  If not yet tested, this will be the time you will have to prove what you are made of to others.  You must realize that respect and reputation only develop over time like a fine wine.  Venus, close to the earth, favors creativity and time spent with your precious progeny.


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars and your planet Saturn are in the domain of life associated with repose and regeneration. If you are one of those Aquarians who are experiencing burn out and exhaustion, this is the time to break that cycle.  Rest and repose are necessary to replenish the Water Bearer’s Aquifer.  If you have hit the proverbial wall, you cannot work harder or smarter for that matter.  You must take a step back, for distance equals perspective.  Aquarius needs to gradually, not suddenly, adjust their work/life balance to reflect increasing rest, which will reinvigorate your humanistic spirit.  It is hard to find the energy to care for others when we do not have the power to care for ourselves. 


Those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars and Saturn are transiting the domain of life that is associated with your friends and community.  This is a favorable time if your friends and associates share your values.  Those values and connections are your anchors of certainty in these uncertain times.  Tried and true friends have evolved and proven themselves over time.  If you believed certain friends and communities shared your values but did not, this is the time to come to terms with that reality, as Saturn is the planet of the truth.  Either way, your friends and Sangha are a rock bed of certainty, or they are not.  If not, do not be unduly alarmed.  Time is your friend, and it will gradually help you to navigate that slippery slope. 

January, February and March 2020

Welcome to a new decade that promises at first glance to resemble the roaring twenties of the last century! 2020 will be a remarkable year as it features several special celestial events, the first being the Saturn/Pluto alignment that starts the year out on January 12th.


The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto is a rare celestial alignment that only occurs about three times a century. This alignment occurring on January 12th will be the first of three in the twenty-first century. The first of three of the prior century occurred in 1914—a year of remarkable change that is remembered historically for the escalating hostilities after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia by Bosnian Serbs. As the Archduke was the apparent heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, his assassination led to a declaration of war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, initiating hostilities that would evolve into the cataclysm known as the First World War. The escalation of local tensions between Austria-Hungary and Serbia into an international conflict would dramatically change the face of global hegemony, resulting in both the destruction and rebirth of both empires and nations giving rise to a new global order.



The first Saturn/Pluto alignment of this century occurs in the final degrees of the constellation of Sagittarius. The symbol of Sagittarius is that of the Archer and his arrow, which carries his projectile and message skyward. Jupiter’s lordship of the constellation draws the human spirit to expanding our perceptual horizons through travel, higher education, and ultimately the heavenly realm. The expansiveness of the constellation is contrary to the nature of the planet Saturn, which is earthly and consolidating by nature.


In Vedic astrology, Pluto is considered to be in the class of non-luminous planets well beyond the illuminating rays of the Sun. He represents that which resides in the unknown depths beyond our current awareness. Once the light reveals that which is shrouded in darkness, the new awareness irrevocably transforms our vision of the future.


When Saturn’s dim light brings illumination to the darkness of Pluto, the planetary alignment portends a time of deconstruction—representing the decline of the old order and the rise of the new. It is important to remember that change is a constant, and nothing remains the same forever. However, unexpected change can be bracing and cathartic resulting in new horizons and pathways forward if we are open. If not, then change can be traumatic and tragic, particularly if we have doubled down and retrenched in the old order. Either way, the path to change at first appears as chaos, as the old order slips away. However, chaos will in time give way to cosmos as the new order emerges from the darkness for all those who are not blind to see.


In addition to the Pluto/Saturn alignment, 2020 will feature a total of six eclipses, rather than the usual four. Eclipses are harbingers of change, as something is being cast into the shadows and obscured. This July, there will be a lunar eclipse on July 4th, the birthday of the United States. As this year is an election year, we can expect a more volatile and polarized electoral process than is customary. Not just a year of change, but a time of adjustment that will first appear as chaos, until the new order takes root. In preparation, refresh your memory from the refrains of Bob Dylan’s “the times they are a-changing.”


It is best not to retrench and lament about that which is being eclipsed, but rather observe that which the nascent light reveals after the eclipses. In such times it follows that you must be open to change for the river of time is taking a new direction. However, the stars remain constant, so keep looking up to find your way.


The last celestial event of 2020 is the Jupiter/Saturn alignment on December 21st. The alignment occurs generationally, every twenty years. This conjunction will occur in the constellation of Capricorn, ruled by the planet Saturn. Capricorn is responsible, pragmatic, down to earth and focused on the long term. It is my hope that responsible global leaders will begin implementing pragmatic climate change policies now, rather than later—while there’s still time to make a difference. All in all, it will be a year of remarkable change, so fasten your seat belts and clean your windshield for a clear-eyed view ahead.

January 2020


January will feature the first of six eclipses this year, which punctuate a year of remarkable change. A partial lunar eclipse occurs on January 10th at 26 degrees Gemini. Lunar eclipses often represent a period of time when feelings and emotions run high. You would have to be a lunatic to make important decisions in the grasp of highly emotional reactions to life events! The results are often disastrous under such influences, so be wise and respond when you regain your senses, and cooler heads shall prevail. Even if it appears you are facing crises, allow time for deliberate response.


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The aforesaid Saturn/Pluto alignment on January 12th in Sagittarius will begin to shed a proverbial light into dark matters we previously believed only belonged in the realm of fantasy—such as climate change, increasing cyber threats, growing global surveillance conspiracies, rouge applications of artificial intelligence to name but a few. It will be a great year for science fiction and fantasy writers as they plumb the depths of the various scenarios of the dark revelations, as art often anticipates and reveals new realities soon to be experienced in real life.


The planet Saturn will enter the constellation of Capricorn on January 23rd, where he will remain for the next two and a half years. This is Saturn’s domain, as he rules the sign of Capricorn. Saturn is known as the Sat Graha – the planet of Truth in Vedic astrology. His job is to awaken us to the way things really are, not the way we believe them to be. The cold hard facts appear to be cruel at times, more so when we have believed to the contrary. Saturn will favor all that the constellation of Capricorn represents from the top-down and bottom-up, for he is a planet of order. The celestial Beings are calling to make sure everything is in its proper place for the functioning of the cosmic order.


The domains of life ruled by Saturn in your chart will benefit from his ingress into Capricorn. The road to order may appear chaotic, but once the celestial mechanics have been established, everything moves forward smoothly like clockwork! Please read my forecast for each of the signs for insights into how Saturn’s transit of Capricorn will influence you.

february 2020


On February 2nd Venus moves into the constellation of Pisces, where he will remain until the end of the month. In Vedic astrology, the planets that reflect the spectrum of light best in the night sky are considered to be of the Brahmin caste—the educated and knowledgeable class of humanity. February will feature both of the Brahmin planets, Venus and Jupiter in positions of strength.


Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces, which represents his best position. As a planet of light, Venus is representative of the arts and social discourse and interaction, which is where the heavens touch our mundane earthly lives. The need to make connections with others is foundational as we are complex social beings. Venus represents that need to feel appreciated, which is the foundation of love, which gives birth to trust. February is a special month to connect with your tribe and significant others to experience the power of love, the antidote to the growing hatred of our times. Venus is exalted in Jupiter’s expansive sign of Pisces, as only Pisces represents the capacity of love to grow and become wider and deeper than the ocean itself.


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The other planet of light, Jupiter, continues the transit of his sign Sagittarius. With Saturn having moved in January, Jupiter will no longer be weighed down by Saturn’s presence. Jupiter in his own sign will right the Archer’s bow to aim higher than he was previously able under Saturn’s influence. Jupiter is called Guru in Sanskrit, and he represents Brahminic knowledgeable and educated people. Jupiter’s transit through the sign he rules will help to gradually restore confidence in higher educational and spiritual institutions, as well as the courts. This represents an excellent time for self-learning and self-improvement through educational forums, institutions, periodicals, journals, and classes that lift the Archer’s arrow to a higher realm. Frankly, we have been dumbed-down much too long.

The second half of the month features Mercury retrograde in Aquarius starting on the 16th. He will not directly be under the influence of any benefic or malefic influences tending to a milder Mercury retrograde experience. However, it is always wise not to make important decisions during the times when Mercury is changing directions in the heavens—usually the day before and after the station, which is the 16th of February. The month concludes with Mars and the shadow planet Ketu aligning in Sagittarius for the last couple of days of February, which can create difficulties when traveling. Volatile tempers will prevail, leading to escalations of conflict and aggression, so caution and diplomacy are advised.

march 2020


Mercury will stop his retrogression on the 9th of March and begin his forward movement in Aquarius. It is best not to make important decisions the day before and after his station. Mars will continue his transit of Sagittarius, gaining distance on the volatile shadow planet Ketu until he aligns with his friend Jupiter after the Spring Equinox on March 22nd. March is said to begin like a Lion and end like a Lamb, and this March is no exception to the rule. Travel is favored in March on the week of the Equinox.


Later in March, Mars leaves the constellation of Sagittarius and his relationship with Jupiter and enters the constellation of Capricorn on the 22nd of the month. Mars is exalted and most powerful in this sign. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and as Saturn has already entered his own sign the two planets will exactly conjoin on the last day of March. Each planet is in his position of strength and together will make for a formidable pairing.


The nature of Mars at his best is persistent and productive, while Saturn is exacting. Together they will be a force to be reckoned with in whatever domain of life Capricorn represents. Combined, they represent an indomitable work ethic, where through great effort, great things can be accomplished. If you have the conviction and discipline and are the captain of your own fate, this can trend very positive in reaching your goals. If you are not captain of your fate, then this can be a very frustrating time of feeling overworked and pushed to your limits. Hard work never hurts anyone we are working hard for, so pace yourselves during the Mars/Saturn alignment, so you don’t suffer burn-out.


The last days of March feature two important planetary transits. First, Venus enters the constellation of Taurus on the 28th of the month. Venus rules this constellation, and his transit bodes well for the domain of life that Taurus represents in your life. Venus will come close to the earth during his transit of Taurus remaining in this sign for over four months, so enjoy the good food and good company that Venus’s earth sign represents in the coming months.


Secondly, Jupiter will leave the sign of Sagittarius and enter Capricorn the very next day on the 29th. Jupiter will only remain in the early degrees of Capricorn for a couple of months before he returns to Sagittarius by the end of June. However, Capricorn is Jupiter’s weakest placement, for his growth is limited in Saturn’s sign. As Jupiter will be moving back and forth between signs, he will not be able to gain any traction. Trends that develop during this time will have a tendency not to grow as expected, experiencing fits and starts. This will be in contrast to the highly focused synergy of both Mars and Saturn, who are strong in Capricorn. The spring of 2020 may end on a solid note, as represented by Mars and Saturn, or on an uncertain footing for future growth due to Jupiter’s lack of constellational direction. It tends to be a paradoxical period of time. Mars and Saturn will remain aligned for the coming month of April, so persistence in all things Capricorn will win and prevail.


Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14 – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is influencing the domain of life that is associated with your career. Saturn’s alignment with the storm planets during 2019 created uncertainty for the Ram in the professional realm, and his sojourn into his own sign this year will bring positive results. The career road ahead for the Ram is steady on and waxes more positively as Saturn will provide clear direction, goals, and stability for the year ahead. Understanding and working within your limits is the key to your vocational success this year. Those limits will be put to the test and verified later in March.


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is influencing the domain of life associated with education, travel, and spirituality. Saturn’s alignment with the storm planets in 2019 created much uncertainty regarding these matters. As the Bull craves stability, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn augers well for Taurus, not only in the domain of travel and education but also for career, as he has lordship over this domain of life as well. The Bull is tenacious and persistent, and this is in alignment with Saturn’s nature. So there is a tendency to overreach and overwork, which will be tested later in March.


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is influencing the domain of life that is associated with legacies, taxes, and insurance. Saturn’s association with the storm planets last year brought many changes and expenses to mobile Gemini. With climate change, make sure your insurance policies are up to date and in alignment with your coverage needs. Saturn owns this domain of life, as well as the domain of education; he will bring much-needed stability to these areas. Many tax changes have taken place, so it is best advised for Gemini to consult a financial advisor early this year.


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is influencing the domain of life that is associated with partnership and relationship. Saturn’s alignment with the storm planets last year brought travails and volatility to this area of life. Saturn is now in his own domain; however, he does move slowly and deliberately, which is not indicative of whirlwind romance! Trust is established over time slowly. It cannot be given—it must be earned. An impulsive relationship is not favored for the Crab. Saturn here favors trust and long-term partnerships—the hallmark of commitment and marriage.


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is influencing the domain of life associated with your health. Saturn’s association with the storm planets last year may have brought volatility and uncertainty to that area of your life. As Saturn rules this sphere of life, his sojourn here favors changes in diet and hygiene. If the Big Cat embraces a healthy diet and habit modifications, the road ahead can be one of improved wellbeing. But the secret to Saturn’s success is a slow and deliberate lifestyle change. The journey of 100 miles begins with just one step in a new direction, and this can be that time.


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is influencing the domain of life associated with your creativity and children. Perhaps Saturn’s association with the storm planets last year created uncertainty in that area of your life. Now in his own domain, Saturn can and will bring stability to creativity and children—given the time he needs to bring about lasting change. Virgo needs to start 2020 with a positive can-do attitude, and over time great progress can be achieved. Root out negative people, negative thinking and influences in your consciousness, and your star will rise!


For those born under the constellation of Libra, October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is occurring in the domain of life that is associated with home and family life. If you experienced volatility in this area last year due to Saturn’s association with the storm planets, you will appreciate the stability Saturn brings to the area of life he rules. If not settled, now is the time to explore moving to a new area or new home that offers the opportunity of laying down roots. Being diligent and persistent with your family wish-list will take time, but the rewards of being settled are well worth the wait for the sign of Libra.


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is occurring in the domain of life that is associated with comradery, siblings and the fine arts. Feelings of disconnectedness with others challenged Scorpio in 2019, and all this will change in 2020. Here in his own domain, Saturn will gradually bring a sense of collaboration and connectivity to others for natives of this sign. If you are of an artistic temperament, pick up your brush, pen, or dust off your favorite musical instrument and let the inspiration of artistic endeavors revitalize you. Patience will serve your spirit over perfection.


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is occurring in the domain of life that is associated with your domesticity and finances. Saturn’s association with the storm planets may have brought uncertainty and volatility to this area of your life in 2019, but that is all about to change. Saturn ruling this domain will gradually bring increasing prosperity through the virtues of diligence and persistence. The Archer may even start a savings plan as a hedge to future downturns. A few more arrows in the quiver to fall back on helps avoid the pitfalls and increases the sense of security.


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 12th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is occurring in the domain of life that is associated with you. Saturn’s volatile alignment with the storm planets challenged you last year—but all that will change in 2020. The key to this transit for Capricorn is to embrace a gradual rather than a sudden change. Once we are past the winter solstice, the light gradually returns until the balance is again restored. This year the sure-footed Goat can set lofty goals, and if approached practically and persistently, Capricorn can reach the summit of aspirations. A gradual ascent is favored for the Goat.


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 13th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is occurring in the domain of life that is associated with rest and repose. If Saturn’s alignment with the storm planets kept you too busy and scattered in 2019, you will welcome 2020 with open arms. Saturn rules this domain of life, and you will be wise to remember the refrain from the song “Turn, Turn, Turn”— there is a time for activity and time for rest (Ecclesiastes 3). This is that time of rest, so the Water Bearer should embrace the other three R’s: repose, revitalization, and rejuvenation. When the going gets tough, the tough go on vacation!


Those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Saturn’s transit of Capricorn is occurring in the domain of life that is associated with your friends, community and aspirations. Saturn’s alignment with the storm planets in 2019 created volatility and uncertainty in that realm of life. Saturn rules this domain, and gradually, you will be able to separate the flaky fair-weather friends from those who are both fair and foul weather friends. The latter possesses both sunblock as well as an umbrella! We all get by with a little help from our friends. The late Ram Das urged us all to remember: “We are all just walking each other back home.”

November & December 2019

The astrology and cosmology of India divide the planets of our solar system into two distinct groupings: luminous and non-luminous. The luminous grouping ends with Saturn, the last of the planets that the rays of the Sun grace, and the last planet that can be seen in the night sky with the naked eye. Beyond Saturn the astrology of India recognizes many more non-luminous planets where the solar rays do not reach. That is consistent with the view of modern astronomy as we now know that all that darkness beyond the light is not merely dark space. There are many non-luminous planets well past Pluto into the Kuiper belt and beyond that are currently being discovered.


The salient point being that none of the planets have their own light; they receive light from the Sun. It is the Sun — the source of all light in our solar system — that creates growth. That is why our third planet from the Sun, Terra Firma, continues to flourish and grow due to its fortunate proximity to the light. Light is necessary for growth, and as it becomes diminished, growth slows down and ceases all together as darkness approaches.


Therefore the sages of India divided the planets into four categories ranking each according to its ability to reflect light. The planets reflecting light consistently in the night sky were accorded the highest class or caste. These are Jupiter and Venus and are of the Brahmin class. Brahmins are representative of knowledgeable people of light who are gurus, teachers, trainers, and advisors whose wisdom and counsel we seek.

We astrologers are always looking to observe where Jupiter and Venus are presenting themselves in the heavens. Whatever constellations they transit, they bring illumination and growth to the affairs of that constellation. We especially look forward to when they transit their own constellations singularly, and even more so when they transit a constellation in tandem, which they only do for a short time each year.


This November 4th Jupiter will enter his own constellation of Sagittarius, and Venus will join Jupiter in Sagittarius from the 20th of November to the 15th of December. Jupiter and Venus will exactly conjoin on November 24th for the first time this year, illuminating the constellation where Jupiter, king of the planets, is king in his own domain.


The constellation of Sagittarius needs the celestial light of these bright planets as the shadow planet Ketu, who causes eclipses, has been aligned with Saturn for the past several months. These are shadowy times for Jupiter's sign due to the current dark celestial forces. Jupiter, during his tenancy in his own sign with Venus, will bring all that Sagittarius represents into the light — taking names, cleaning house, and illuminating the dark shadows. Whatever domain of life Sagittarius represents in your chart you will experience Jupiter's light to be the best disinfectant!

November 2019


November starts with Mercury having gone retrograde on October 31st. He will retrograde in close proximity with Venus, along with Jupiter, in the final degrees of the constellation of Scorpio. Whatever domain of life Scorpio rules will experience the combined light of all three of these planets for a very brief time as Jupiter leaves Scorpio on the 4th of November, and Mercury retrogrades back into Libra on the 7th of the month.


Not all Mercury retrogrades are negative to dispel a common myth. When Mercury retrogrades with natural benefic planets of light, he becomes positive, and when he retrogrades malefic planets of lesser light, he becomes challenged. The days before and after he stops and changes direction are best to be avoided for important decisions, in addition to his combustion with the Sun.

This Mercury retrograde starts out well, for although Mercury is exchanged with Mars, he is aligned with Venus and Jupiter. However, after the 7th of the month he regresses into the constellation of Libra where Mars will join him in Libra starting on the 10th, and he will combust the Sun on the 11th. This portends a problematic time of conflict, and important decisions should not be made under the heat of discord and duress. Changes in weather can make travel plans evaporate in an instant, so have a back-up plan just in case. Mercury thankfully leaves Libra the first week of December.


The highlight of November is Jupiter’s sojourn into his own constellation of Sagittarius on November 4th, where Venus joins him on the 19th. They will travel in tandem, exactly conjoining on the 24th, until Venus says goodbye moving into Capricorn in the middle of December. Sagittarius, having been besieged by Saturn and the eclipse planets, will really benefit from the extraordinary combined light of Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter's presence in his own sign will help to restore the lofty aims of the Archer. The higher ideals of spirituality, knowledge, and education will gain traction during this time dramatically pushing back against the more pedestrian forces of shadow and misinformation. Whatever domain of life Sagittarius is associated with will return to the light during this time.

December 2019


December starts with Mercury leaving contentious Mars behind in Libra as he exits that sign and moves into Scorpio once again on the 4th of the month. Mercury will have sufficient distance from the Sun and be clear of malefic association, so his time in Scorpio is good for incisive investigation and research.

Jupiter and Venus continue to shine their light on the constellation of Sagittarius until Venus moves into Capricorn on the 15th. The highlight of their transit occurs during the full Moon of December 11th, which happens with the Moon exalted in Taurus. This delightful full Moon forms the auspicious Chandra Adhi Yoga as all the benefic planets of light, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are spaciously opposite the Moon and close to the Earth. This full Moon with such a benefic planetary association so close to the Winter Solstice speaks to an uplifting time for celebration during the festive holiday season. Plan your holiday celebrations and travel around this unique period of light, for after this particular time the Moon will wane as we come to the Winter Solstice on the 21st.


There is a great deal of planetary transition around the Christmas holiday of December 25th. Mars will leave Libra and enter his own constellation of Scorpio on the 25th, which will embolden him to push forward with the domain of life that Scorpio is associated with in your chart. Mercury will leave Scorpio and enter Sagittarius, where he will align with Jupiter — the king of the planets of light — well into the New Year.


However, December 25th is also a partial Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Sagittarius. Before the Moon is eclipsed, he will align precisely with Mercury earlier in the day; later, after the eclipse, he will align with Jupiter. When benefic planets of light bracket an eclipsed Moon they mitigate the darkness of such a period of time. Such is the effect of this holiday eclipse. Let the festive holiday lights from all the various solstice and religious traditions remind you that this is a time of celebration, and the darkness is only temporal — not absolute. Spend your holiday season with those people and sources who are representative of the light, not those who formulate discontent in the shadows as we close out this decade in preparation for 2020.

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14 – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been urging you to relinquish educational and travel pursuits these past several months. That now changes as both Jupiter and Venus come to domain of life associated with travel, as well as spiritual and educational advancement. Jupiter and Venus’ combined light illuminates your higher educational and spiritual path during this time. While their influence is active and present the Ram can set new goals for future projects and educational advancement. It is best to travel earlier in the month of December rather than during the holiday eclipse.


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the domain of life associated with legacies and taxes. That now changes as both Jupiter and Venus come to this domain and shine their collective light. Jupiter is lord of this domain, and his presence here bodes well. Now is the time to consult knowledgeable financial consultants to gain insights on how you can reduce your tax liabilities – just like the large corporations who pay fewer taxes than the Bull! Perhaps you too can become a corporate tax haven, or at least start to think like one to lessen your tax burden and focus more on your legacies.


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the domain of life that is associated with romance and your significant relationships. That now changes as both Jupiter and Venus come to the rescue. Now is the time to attend those festive holiday parties and keep a sharp eye out for those who are smart, charming and, most importantly – available for romantic partnership. Light changes everything, so take advantage of the combined grace of these planets to plant new romantic seeds, clear out the weeds, and push back the shadows to see who is available under this auspicious holiday light.


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the domain of life associated with your health and hygiene. If you have followed a careful regimen of self-care, the combined light of both Jupiter and Venus should start to pay fast dividends. Jupiter owns this domain of life, and now that he has entered his own sign you may actually begin to feel more competitive and spirited. Venus loves the company of others, so use the time to find like-minded people who are following the same regimen. Great minds think alike, and besides it is just so much easier to follow through with help from friends.


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the domain of life associated with your creativity and children. That now changes as both Jupiter and Venus light up the creative road ahead. It is time for Leo to become inspirited as the reign of the dark planets has passed. Embrace new projects and endeavors, and you will find your mojo will return – and others will notice and respond. The Regal Lion is the pride of their progeny, so make doubly sure this holiday season they know it by spoiling them and spending extra time with them to your Lion-heart’s content.


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the domain of life associated with home and family. If you felt separated from family and loved ones, take advantage of this time with Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius to cast back the dark shadows and step confidently into the light. You are not just loved, but adored by those you consider family. Jupiter owns the domain of the family, and his transit here with Venus portends a delightful time to frolic at home with loved ones and realize how truly loved you are. Quality time with all the family members is in order for Virgo this delightful holiday season.


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the domain of life associated with comradery and siblings, generating feelings of isolation and solitude. That now changes as Jupiter and Venus tenant that domain to help lift you up and shine you on. Jupiter owns this domain, and his association with your planet Venus portends a time to exit your self-imposed sabbatical and become your usual sociable self with brothers, sisters, and your buds. Deeply connecting with others inspires Venus and returns him to brilliance. Be your brilliant best in the blissful company of others this holiday.


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the part of your chart associated with food, finance, and domesticity creating turmoil. That now changes as Jupiter and Venus transit together this area of your life. It is now time to create a domestic and diet lifestyle that gives you the energy you really need to be your competitive self. You can revitalize your lifestyle by carefully preparing your own food, saving money at the same time by not busting the budget wining and dining. Think of it as a temporary financial plan to sock away more money for your holiday spending!


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the domain of life associated with you – which has been suggestive that the Archer was more of an observer of events than a participant. That all changes now as your planet Jupiter comes to his own domain in tandem with social Venus. Now is the time this holiday season for Sagittarius’ hermitage to end. Attend all the autumnal and solstice gatherings, for you will meet kindred souls who will restore your faith in others. A special friendship has the potential to become romantic for the Archer so stay on target with your heart.


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 12th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the domain of life associated with health and repose. That all changes now as both Jupiter and Venus come to align with your planet Saturn, lighting the path forward to regeneration and revitalization. The exhaustion the Goat has experienced will now give way to spiritual renewal, revealing the true meaning of the winter solstice, and heralding a post-harvest time of gratitude as all that has been sown has now been reaped. The Goat knows this and rejoices steadily on in unison with Father Time and Mother Nature.


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the domain of life associated with your friends and sangha. A step back from social and group activities has given the Water Bearer perspective. That all changes now as both Jupiter and Venus come to Sagittarius and align with your planet Saturn. Jupiter is now in his own domain, and he promotes friendship and intentional community. Now that you have perspective, it is time to engage in communities that reflect your more serious and humanistic values. Pour forth with like-minded others during this particular time.


For those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Saturn-Ketu alignment has been in the domain of life associated with your career and place in the world. The time of equivocation is over now that Jupiter and Venus have entered Sagittarius. Your planet Jupiter has come to his own sign of work and career, and he is offering you light and growth to swim in career waters that are teeming with joy and gratitude. Jupiter is on top of the world right now, so make time this season to take in the view from this zenith. Once you see where the growth opportunities are in your profession you can begin the migration upstream.

September & October 2019

On September 1st the New York Times featured an article by Amanda Svachula entitled "Like a Virgo: The Times on Astrology". The article revealed that the New York Times was born on September 18th, 1851 and expressed that if newspapers had astrological signs the paper would be a Virgo! Yes, indeed the Times was born on that day with the Sun, Mercury and Virgo all in the constellation of Virgo. The article went on to describe the virtues of Virgo which were consistent with the Times identity such as “clarity in communication….a command of language…..a staid librarian”. The article further elaborated on how astrology has the potential to provide a context for social interaction that is often a catalyst for meaningful conversation regarding relationships, family, and self; which explains its growing cultural popularity.


The continuing popularity of astrology as an identity marker remains steadfast in these turbulent times of identity distortion and misrepresentation. Astrology is a conversation starter, not about politics, sports or work in the corporate sector, but rather about our family, our relationships and ourselves. These are the timeless domains of our lives that have occupied our attention since we first lifted our heads in awe of the starry constellations where we saw our familial stories reflected in the abode of the heavens.


I would argue we are social beings first, not political or faceless online or corporate beings. We carry the face and DNA of our ancestral tree, not our political party, our local sports team or the proverbial corporation that wants to identify us with their product identity through their branding. In these turbulent times we face an onslaught of identity markers from surveillance capitalism that seek to undermine and co-opt our identity for other interests, not the interests of our families, our relationships or ourselves.

This is why I believe astrology continues to thrive in cultural popularity as an identity marker. We belong to the stories of our ancestral families and we belong to the stories in our stars; stories that transcend the ephemeral political, sport, and corporate branding of these times. After all, we are born of stardust.

September 2019

September starts out the combustion of Mars and the Sun in the constellation of Leo on the 2nd. When any planet combusts the Sun it disappears from view for a period of time and the indications of the planet become volatile, and as the name implies-combustible! Both the Sun and Mars are of a fiery nature, but as Mars is subsumed by Surya, the Sun, he becomes unpredictable and highly irritable. Mars will remain in combustion in the constellation of Leo through September 24th when he enters the constellation of Virgo where his combustion continues into the middle of October.

Mars’ combustion speaks to a volatile time of conflict when people’s frustrations come to a head in the domains of life that Leo and Virgo represent in the astrological chart. There will be a need and a tendency to express those frustrations during this time. It is much better to respond to that frustration by taking constructive action to remedy those frustrations, than to blindly react. As reasonable as this advice sounds you must remember that the great majority of people are not motivated by rationalism and logic. They are motivated by how they feel, and with Mars combust, those feelings will be super-heated! It will be a volatile and stormy month, but don’t read too much into the volatility, as much of it will be driven by anger, fear and panic. Once Mars has vented and let off steam he easily forgets all those he has offended, but now forewarned, we are forearmed and will respond, rather than react, to Mars in future negotiations of conflict and brinksmanship.


The planet Saturn will stop in the heavens and resume his forward motion in the constellation of Sagittarius on September 18th. When planets stop and change direction they signify directional shifts in the domains of life they represent. Saturn will slowly and deliberately move forward in the constellation of Sagittarius in close alignment with the storm planet Ketu – the indicator of liberation and enlightenment. This represents a potent time for relinquishment in the domain of life that Sagittarius represents in your chart.


There can be nuances of existential despair regarding Sagittarian themes of higher education, spirituality and the very philosophical values by which we live. Despair reminds us that it is time to relinquish and move on when our attachments no longer bring us joy. It might be time to reevaluate your educational dreams and goals, or question what religious of philosophical value system which now represents your current understanding of the universe. This is a commencement of sorts; a rite of passage. Yes, you are relinquishing and letting go of who you were, but you are graduating into a greater sense of self in the domains of life that Sagittarius represents.

October 2019

October starts with Venus joining Mercury in the constellation Libra on the 3rd. Venus is the ruler of Libra and will remain in Libra until the 23rd of the month. The convivial association of Venus in his own sign with Mercury will light up the domains of life that Libra represents in your chart. This is an excellent time to catch up with those you appreciate and hold dear. Venus is a Brahmin in the astrology of India and represents those who are educated, artistic and of an uplifting nature. Although a Brahmin, Venus is not reclusive – he enjoys the company of others and provides inspiration through educational, artistic endeavors. This is a positive month to chat up good friends and attend educational and literary events. At the very least, end your day by curling up with a good book before bed time.

Mars will reappear in the early morning on the 17th of the month ending his combustion with the Sun in the constellation of Virgo. However, he will still remain in challenging aspect to Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius. This aspect of tension between Mars and Saturn with Ketu, has a tendency to question the fruits of our efforts. Mars is a planet of work and effort and wants what he wants yesterday. Saturn is a planet of patience and delivers tomorrow! When Mars is under check by Saturn we question our hard work relative to the fruits of our labors. As I often say; “hard work never hurts any of the people we are working hard for”!


During this time there will be a tendency to evaluate how hard we are working relative to the domains of life that Virgo represents in your chart. Mars will exactly align with Saturn on the 27th of the month. This month has the potential to realign your work ethic in proportion to the results you receive. If you perceive you are giving too much now is the time to pull back, or relinquish the fruits of your labors if they do not satisfy. If you can’t get no satisfaction turn up the volume on the Rolling Stones classic to remind you of that which dissatisfies!


The month of October concludes with all benefic planets of light, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter transiting Scorpio simultaneously. Mercury enters Scorpio on the 23rd, Venus on the 27th where they join Jupiter who has been transiting Scorpio all of this year. This planetary alignment goes under the name of “Saraswati Yoga”, honoring the Indian goddess of the arts. This planetary pattern will continue into the first week of November. Whatever domain of life Scorpio inhabits in your chart enthusiastically embrace the creative power of this river goddess until the banks of your lives are overflowing and spilling with joy.

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14 –May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion will take place in the domains of life associated with your children, creativity and health. This portends to be a frustrating time as your planet Mars is exhausted and facing burn out. Remedial measures are in order to take some time off for self-restoration so you can get your mojo back! The Saturn/Ketu alignment is urging you to relinquish educational and travel pursuits during this time for as great as you are you cannot fulfill all your desires at the same time. You will eventually return successfully to these endeavors, but this clearly is just not the right time.


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th –June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion will take place in the domains of life associated with home, family and children. This portends to be a difficult time for matters related to these domains. Be careful to steward your domesticity and be on guard for contentious intrusions regarding your home life. The Bull must stand firm that home, family and children are inviolate. The Saturn Ketu alignment is in the domain of life associated with legacies and taxes. Perhaps you are paying more than fair share because you do not own a lobbyist in Washington. It is time to consult a tax advisor to mitigate this despair.


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th –July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion will take place in the domains of life associated with your siblings, comrades and home and family. If these people are getting you a little too tightly wrapped for your own good, perhaps this is a the time to take a temporary, not permanent break from those that annoy you! The Saturn Ketu alignment is in the domain of life that is associated with your relationships. This may also be a good time to relinquish relationship expectations to see those who are really capable of showing up. It is far better to be solitary and alone than lonely in the pursuit of love.


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th –August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion is taking place in the domains of life associated with your finances, comrades and siblings. If you are crabby because you seem to the one who is expending all the currency and cash to keep things going now is the time to stop what you are doing and pay it forward. Although uncomfortable, let others pick up the check and energetically pay their fair share. The Saturn Ketu alignment is in the domain of life associated with your health and hygiene. Just think of how much money you will save and how much energy you will create by taking care of number-one.


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th- September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion is taking place in the domains of life that are associated with you and your finances. The Regal Lion’s pride may be feeling crestfallen during this time as you realize that you too are mortal and finite. Don’t try so hard to live up to the royal expectations others have projected upon you- take off the crown and take some time to just be yourself during this combustion. The Saturn Ketu alignment is in the domain of life associated with your children. Tend to their needs now and as you reclaim your childlike qualities you will regain your enthusiasm and crown.


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th –October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion is taking place in the domains of life associated with health, repose and self. Cease being irritated with the person you believe you should be during this time so you can return to your daily patterns of self-care and regeneration that support who you really are. Futility is in the air now- do not let it consume you. The Saturn Ketu alignment is in the domain of life associated with home and family. If you feel separated from family and loved ones during this time there are many ways and means to reach out and check in to reaffirm that you belong and are loved.


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th- November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion is taking place in the domains of life associated with friends, health and repose. If you have become irritated with the company of your friends or sangha at this time, perhaps it is best to take a step back to gain perspective about what is really bothering you. Distance gives perspective to see if your friend’s values are in alignment with yours. The Saturn Ketu alignment is in the domain of life associated with siblings so in short social Librans may just not be feeling and expressing the usual love. Solitude will restore and lift you up where you belong.


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th –December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion is taking place in the domains of life associated with your career and friends. Your planet Mars is exhausted and you may be feeling the love and appreciation for all you do in your career and friendships. You may be doing all the heavy lifting and once you right the balance and follow your bliss and you will get your mojo back. The Saturn Ketu alignment is in the domain of life associated with your finances. Yes, money can be a yardstick in the pursuit of happiness, but money cannot buy you love. It is time for Scorpio to give up this yard stick and go with the metric system.


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th-January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion is taking place in the domains of life associated with education, travel and career. The Archer may feel their arrows do not have the velocity to reach their lofty targets during this time. Stop trying so hard and remember this is target practice and there are no gold medals in competitive play. The Saturn Ketu alignment is in the domain of life associated with you which is suggestive that the Archer becomes more of an observer of events than a participant. Detachment and observation will assist the Archer to once again aim high when the time is right.


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th –February 12th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion is taking place in the domains of life associated with debt, legacies and education. Has the cost of ongoing education and debt service got your goat during this time? If so, the sure-footed Goat needs a plan to scale thr proverbial debt mountain – one step at a time – not a giant leap for Goat kind! Easy does it, nothing radical and risky for Capricorn in scaling this mountain. The Saturn Ketu alignment is the domain of life associated with health and repose. Solitary repose and retreat cost nothing- rather, they give Capricorn energy and currency.


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th –March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion is taking place in the domains of life associated with your relationships and legacies. This can be indicative of a conflicted time in your personal relationships that can truly test compatibility. If you are feeling more combat able than compatible perhaps it is best to seek counsel or move on. The Saturn Ketu alignment is in the domain of life associated with your friends and sangha. A step back from social and group activities can really show how much you are missed, and therefore how much you are valued. Distance gives perspective.


For those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th-April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars combustion is taking place in the domains of life associated with your health, hygiene and relationship. Test for compatibility versus combat ability in your most intimate relationships and move forward with the results. Take some time off from trying so hard to get well – the rest will do you good during the combustion. The Saturn Ketu alignment is in the domain of life associated with your career. Is your work in the world really a career or just a job? This can be a good time to help you make that distinction and let get of false hopes if you have been confused in that matter.

July & August 2019

The month of July features Mercury retrograde which starts on July 7th when he will appear to stop and regress through the constellation of Cancer until he comes to a dead stop in the heavens again and resumes his forward motion at the end of the month on July 31st. 


There is much misinformation about retrograde planets in general and Mercury in particular. Planets appear to retrograde when they come close to the earth, which means they are brighter, and more powerful than when they are far from the earth. Mercury retrogrades when he comes between the Sun and the Earth at his closest approach to mother earth.

When a planet retrogrades he moves very slowly and extends his sojourn through whatever constellation he is transiting. Generally, Mercury transits a constellation in less than three weeks. However, when retrograde he will spend up to two months in a constellation and thus will have an opportunity to make a much greater impact according to his strength and associations.


Mercury is viewed as neutral planet and he takes on the characteristics of the benefic or malefic planets that influence him. When moving at his usual speed, he will associate with both benefic and malefic planets every couple of weeks representing the usual vicissitudes of the daily headlines reflecting his benefic and not so benefic associations. However when retrograde all that changes as he will remain much longer in his benefic, or malefic associations — so it is not business as usual!

In Sanskrit Mercury is called Budha, and his function is buddhi; discernment and judgement. We use the Latin, merc, which is indicative of business and finance as in commerce, merchants, and mercenary. Thus, during his retrograde cycle he will remain in alignment for an extended duration with the naturally benefic or malefic planets for better or worse- so caution is advised in decisions as the consequences can have far reaching ramifications!


Further, during his Rx cycle he will conjoin the Sun, and as he comes close to the Sun he will disappear from view until he gains some distance and once again can be seen in the heavens. It is during this time when the planet of judgement cannot be seen, that important decisions are not advised — not during the whole Mercury retrograde cycle!
July 2019


July starts with Mercury transiting the constellation of Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon. In the mythology of India Mercury is the son of the Moon. Whereas the Moon represents consciousness, Mercury represents discernment and judgement, which is born of consciousness. Mercury has enmity with the Moon, as he is raised by Jupiter, not his father the Moon. When planets are in the constellations of those they have they enmity with they are not in a position of strength and cannot express themselves to their full advantage. Mercury is not comfortable in Cancer, and this raises issues concerning his prognostications.

Further Mercury will be transiting with the malefic planet Mars, who remains in the constellation of Cancer all of July, until August 8th. Mercury and Mars also have enmity with each other and neither is at their best in the constellation of Cancer. This portends a volatile time for judgment and decision making as Mars will heat up Mercury to become more reactive and vitriolic in his prognostications. Business and trade will be conflicted during this month leading to conflict in commerce due to reactionary forces. Mercury will retrograde on July 7th and exactly align with Mars on the 8th to keep things hot the first half of the month. Watch out for DTD's (digitally transmitted diseases) such as hacking, malware, cyber warfare and tech glitches and failures during this time.


Mercury will conjoin the Sun on July 21st. He will have his disappeared from view approximately nine days before and nine days after the 21st when you will once again be able to see him early in the morning on July 31st. It is during his conjunction with the Sun that Mercury becomes combust and cannot be seen in the heavens. This is why during this time in Mercury’s RX cycle it is poor for important decisions. Thus with Mercury so afflicted with retrograde Mars and suffering combustion later in the month, you should be prepared for a volatile month when new information is presented like a major league fastball breaking over your home plate! It will be fast and furious, indicative of Mercury’s alignment with Mars and his combustion with the Sun. The month will mirror chaos.


To further complicate the matter July will feature two eclipses. A total solar eclipse will occur on July 2nd at 16 degrees Gemini followed by partial lunar eclipse on July 16th at 0 degrees Capricorn. Important judgements and decisions will have a tendency to be made in the shadows based upon incomplete information or worse influenced by fear and reality stoked paranoia. Important decisions are best embraced after gathering all the facts, not in a heated, reactive state of mind. If possible defer important decisions to a time of less reactivity when Mercury gets some distance on Mars and the eclipses. Mercury will stop in the heaves on the New Moon of July 31st and you will be able to view him early in the morning before the Sun rises. He will have distance on Mars later in August.

August 2019


From August 2nd to the 8th both Mercury and Mars will be transiting the constellation of Cancer. Mercury will have a brief respite from Mars until near the end of the month, but more importantly Mercury will be under the influence of Jupiter until the 26th of August. This represents a much better time for judgement and important decisions as Jupiter's light will lend wise counsel to Mercury. You should embrace wise counsel in all your important decisions during this time, as Jupiter represents gurus and judges —– literally those whose judgments we value.


Also, Mercury will be in alignment with Venus who will remain in the constellation of Cancer until the 16th of the month. Venus and Mercury are best friends and regularly come into alignment as they are both never far from the Sun. Venus will assist Mercury to seek out convivial friends and associates restoring Mercury' affable nature. This is an excellent time to socialize, travel and remediate the difficulties of the previous month. Both Venus and Jupiter will be influencing Mercury from water constellations so it represents a restorative and relaxing time to vacation poolside at your favorite resort, weather permitting, in this time of storm and climate change!


Mars leaves Cancer, where he is weak and moves into Leo on August 8th. Mars is strong and decisive in Leo, the constellation of the King. Venus arrives in Leo on the 16th and the King himself, the Sun, arrives in his own constellation on August1 7th! Venus will be combust the Sun throughout the entire month of August. When Venus is combust, like Mercury, he is absent from the night sky during the whole month. Therefore Vedic astrologers do not recommend Venus' combustion as a time for marriage ceremonies. When the planet of love and happiness cannot be seen in the heavens, it is best to wait until Venus reappears again later in September.

Mercury enters Leo on August 27th. Here he benefits from his relationship with the Sun and Venus, mitigating the negative influence of Mars, who will leave Leo later in September. Leo is a regal sign of dignity and ceremony. Mercury, with his friend Venus, reflecting the light of the Sun in his own constellation heralds a proper time of diplomacy and decorum in making important decisions and agreements. This counters the lack of diplomacy, decorum and displays of vulgarity for which Mars is infamous. Cooler and more informed heads prevail later in August where Mars can longer maintain the upper hand through chaos and conflict. The Sun combusts Mars on Labor Day September 2nd gaining the upper hand by exiling from the heavens until the following month. This represents a dignified period, a time to embrace solidarity by turning away from warmongering and brinksmanship.

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14-May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury Rx will be in the domain of life associated with the foundation of your life, your mother, home and family. July may be a month of domestic uncertainty, so do not overschedule yourself so you can tend to family matters. Real estate purchases may also be suspect and uncertain, so it is best to wait until Mercury moves forward and benefits from Jupiter's aspect later in August. The solar eclipse of July 2nd falls in the domain of life associated with your daily commute and siblings. Make sure there are not traffic revisions at this time which will add to your frustrations!


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th-June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX will be in the domain of life associated with your communication and computing devices. Now is the time to make sure they are all up to date and current to avert potential problems. Put a call block on all those robo calls to save you time and money. A younger sibling may need help. The solar eclipse of July 2nd falls in the domain of life associated with food and finance. This is an excellent time to change your relationship with food and money. A new foundational diet, not a fad diet is in order. The Bull could use a financial advisor to revisit the family budget!


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th-July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX will be in the domain of life associated with food and finance. Like the Bull, this is an excellent time for mobile Gemini to evaluate food and finances to make sure your busy lifestyle is not energetically or financially depleting you. The solar eclipse of July 2nd is in the domain of life associated with you. This can be the time for a personal make-over to present to others the attributes which represent your personal best. Eclipses are an excellent time for self-reflection and eliminating negative, self-defeating patterns which impede our sense of self-worth!


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th-August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX will be in the domain of life associated with you. This can be a time of self-reflection and a reassessment of self-needs. Are you projecting the right image you wish the world to embrace? This is an excellent time examine your communication style and develop new skills to communicate more effectively with those you value. The solar eclipse of July 2nd is in the domain of life associated with healing and repose. Perhaps this is the month the Crab will take time to retreat into his shell, withdrawing from the world for some well –deserved rest and relaxation.


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th-September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX is in the domain of life associated with healing and repose. The Regal Lion has been on the prowl lately and all that activity has quite frankly taken its toll. It is time for the Big Cat to sit back to relax and recharge so he can get his stride back for the busy time ahead. The solar eclipse of July 2nd is in the domain of life associated with friends and community. Perhaps all those friends in your Sangha you thought were going to show up and help you celebrate are fewer than you imagined? Some say you are a dreamer? You know the song. You are not the only one!


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th-October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX is in the domain of life associated with your friends, community and life goals. Make sure your close friendships are supporting those goals and you will remain on track. Fair weather or occasional friends will fall to the wayside as your aims and objectives become clearer. The solar eclipse of July 2nd falls in the domain of life associated with career. This is often a time of change of culture or reorganizations at work. It is best to weather the storm if possible and do not react to changes outside your control right now. Once the light returns you can take charge!


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th-November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX is in the domain of life associated with your career. The learning curve within your profession may change with emerging technologies and new procedures that have the potential to make this a crazy period of readjustment. Not all changes play out immediately according to expectations, so be patient to see the fruits of your vocational efforts. The solar eclipse of July 2nd falls into the domain of life associated with travel and education. The trend is to review your educational and travel goals to see if they are on track and taking you to where you really want to go!


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th-December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX is in the domain of life associated with education and travel. Is your continuing education relevant to professional goals in today’s changing world? If not, now is the time to answer that question. Travel is complicated during this time, so plan carefully. The solar eclipse of July 2nd is in the domain of life associated with insurance and legacies. Doubly make sure your insurance needs are in alignment with your needs. It may pay to shop around to see if there are more affordable programs that offer the same coverage for a far better price!


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th-January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX is in the domain of life associated with insurance, taxes and legacies. Now is the time to evaluate your insurance needs and make sure your tax withholding and deductions are in alignment so there are no surprises at year’s end. The solar eclipse of July 2nd is in the domain of life associated with marriage, romance and partnership. Stresses inn these areas can emerge during this eclipse cycle resulting in a reexamination of your relationship and partnership needs. No need for knee-jerk reactions at this time. Take the cool-headed track to change!


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th-February 12th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX is in the domain of life associated with marriage, romance and partnership. This can be the time to reevaluate your romantic and partnering needs and expectations. The sure-footed Goat will not be so sure about relationship during this time so best to take a step back until the road ahead becomes more clearly paved! The solar eclipse of July 2nd is the domain of life associated with health and hygiene. This time favors responsible self-care versus over care for others. It is time for Capricorn to go on a well-earned solo, self-serving sabbatical!


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th-March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX is in the domain of life associated with your health and hygiene. This can be the time for the Water Bearer to reevaluate their daily routines and habits to ensure they are in in your best long term interest. Aquarius is Saturn’s more social sign, so there is no need to go solo in making healthy changes. Embrace like-minded others who have the same goals and there also be the opportunity to make new friends! The solar eclipse of July 2nd is in the domain of life associated with progeny and fun. See life through the eyes of child to regain your joy!


For those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th-April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, this Mercury RX is in the domain of life associated with your progeny. This can be the time to examine a new trajectory in your relationship with your children and to make amends regarding past misunderstandings and miscommunications by understanding their needs versus yours. The solar eclipse of July 2nd is in the domain of life associated with mother, home and family. Stresses on the home front may have the Fish feeling as if they are swimming up-stream against the current of happiness. Don’t try so hard. Relax; the waters of happiness are all around you – not far upstream!




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